This project is for educational purposes only. Please don't use such tools to evaluate your real passwords strength. We never know what the programmer or an attacker does with your password. Even if the source code is available publicly it does not mean that this code runs unchanged on a server.
./gradlew vaadinBuildFrontend
prepares all the Vaadin frontend files.
./gradlew startCassandra
starts the included Cassandra database on a Windows host in the background.
./gradlew runApplication
starts the application. The application is reachable on
./gradlew test
runs all unit tests.
- Installed Chrome Browser
./gradlew startCassandra
starts the included Cassandra database on a Windows host in the background.
./gradlew uitest
starts the application and all UI tests with Selenium in the Chrome Browser.
./gradlew stopCassandra
stops the included Cassandra database again.