All data sent and received is in JSON format. All responses are in Jsend format. This is the baseURL for all endpoints.
POST Login a user
Allows an authorized user to login.The body is a json object as sampled below. The login method gives the user a token that enables them to perfom some of the routes/endpoints enlisted below.
Sample Request
curl --request POST
Sample data
"email": "[email protected]"
Sample Response
"message": "You were successfully logged in",
"user": {
"id": "U7LHY6W4B",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "Mercy Muchai",
"imageUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2018-05-06T09:00:48.164Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-06T09:00:48.164Z",
"locationId": "cjee24xnn0000i2xsh9qauyn5",
"roleId": 2
"userToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IlU3TEhZNlc0QiIsInJvbGVJZCI6MiwiaWF0IjoxNTI1NTk3NzUzLCJleHAiOjE1MjU2ODQxNTN9.mZOVACZrDguQklJZXx57Eu2rNTMF9hMoYEYf74Pxozo",
"expiresIn": "24h"
POST Incident
Allows a user to post an incident. The body is a json object as sampled below. Some of the values can be left out when posting. These include: witnesses and levelId
Sample Request
curl --request POST
Sample data
"subject": "Harrassment",
"description": "something happened and I didnt like it at all",
"dateOccurred": "12-7-2017",
"incidentReporter": {
"userId": "brian",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "brian",
"imageUrl": "brian.jpeg",
"reporterLocation": {"name": "Again", "centre": "Nairobi", "country": "Kenya"}
"location": {
"name": "bottle",
"centre": "lagos",
"country": "kenya"
"witnesses": [
"userId": "2nd",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "person2",
"imageUrl": "person2.jpeg",
"witnessLocation": {"name": "new", "centre": "Nairobi", "country": "Kenya"}
"userId": "3rd",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "person3",
"imageUrl": "person3.jpeg",
"witnessLocation": {"name": "Another", "centre": "Nairobi", "country": "Kenya"}
The response of the POST method is similar to a GET incident method below.
GET Incidents
To get all existing incidents
curl --request GET
Sample Response
"data": {
"incidents": [
"id": "cjgxo8kr400010w3kypkj24hv",
"description": "something happened and I didnt like it at all",
"subject": "Harrassment",
"dateOccurred": "2017-07-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:49.936Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:49.936Z",
"categoryId": null,
"statusId": 1,
"locationId": "cjgxo8kqc00000w3kxjh1gf31",
"levelId": 3,
"Level": {
"name": "Green"
"Status": {
"status": "Pending"
"Location": {
"name": "bottle",
"centre": "lagos",
"country": "kenya"
"assignees": [],
"reporter": {
"id": "brian",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "brian",
"imageUrl": "brian.jpeg",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:49.967Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:49.967Z",
"locationId": "cjgxo8krj00020w3k8oenlg5k",
"roleId": 1
"witnesses": [
"id": "3rd",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "person3",
"imageUrl": "person3.jpeg",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:50.039Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:50.039Z",
"locationId": "cjgxo8kte00040w3k6v96gwes",
"roleId": 1
"id": "2nd",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "person2",
"imageUrl": "person2.jpeg",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:50.027Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T12:48:50.027Z",
"locationId": "cjgxo8ksw00030w3kz0r2inkn",
"roleId": 1
"id": "cjfkubrlv0001tgxs3mre",
"description": "Someone said some things to me I cannot even type",
"subject": "Abusive Language",
"dateOccurred": "2017-12-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:00.958Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:00.958Z",
"categoryId": 2,
"statusId": 2,
"locationId": "cjee256gt0000ioxs69v4870x",
"levelId": 1,
"Level": {
"name": "Red"
"Status": {
"status": "In Progress"
"Location": {
"name": "Bootcamp Room",
"centre": "Kampala",
"country": "Uganda"
"assignees": [],
"reporter": {
"id": "U7LHY6W4B",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "Mercy Muchai",
"imageUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"locationId": "cjee24xnn0000i2xsh9qauyn5",
"roleId": 2
"witnesses": [
"id": "U7LEPG8LF",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "Batian Muthoga",
"imageUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"locationId": "cjee24xnn0000i2xsh9qauyn5",
"roleId": 2
"id": "cjfkubrlv0001tsjksuis3",
"description": "Someone said something that was discriminative to my gender",
"subject": "Discrimination",
"dateOccurred": "2018-02-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:00.958Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:00.958Z",
"categoryId": 15,
"statusId": 3,
"locationId": "cjee241h20000g7xsfzd572sl",
"levelId": 3,
"Level": {
"name": "Green"
"Status": {
"status": "Resolved"
"Location": {
"name": "Cafeteria",
"centre": "Nairobi",
"country": "Kenya"
"assignees": [],
"reporter": {
"id": "U7LEPG8LF",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "Batian Muthoga",
"imageUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"locationId": "cjee24xnn0000i2xsh9qauyn5",
"roleId": 2
"witnesses": [
"id": "U7LHY6W4B",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "Mercy Muchai",
"imageUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-08T08:19:02.241Z",
"locationId": "cjee24xnn0000i2xsh9qauyn5",
"roleId": 2
"status": "success"
GET one Incident
To get one existing incident
curl --request GET
PUT Incident
This endpoint is made use of when updating an assignee to an incident. Can only take one assignee and multiple CCD users. It's also made use of when updating the status from Pending to In progress/Resolved or the level.
curl --request PUT
Sample Request
"userId": "abcdef"
It can also be an array of users to CC. i.e
"userId": "abcdef"
"userId": "ijklm"
It could also be:
"levelId": "2",
"statusId": "2"
POST chat
Allows a user to post a chat.
Sample Request
curl --request POST
Sample data
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"chat": "chat1"
GET chats
To get all existing chats to an incident
curl --request GET
Sample Response
"data": {
"chats": [
"id": "cjfjgiroz0001lexs5h8kx4d5",
"chat": "New note",
"createdAt": "2018-04-03T09:24:19.763Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-04-03T09:24:19.763Z",
"incidentId": "cjfcbhngw00013dxsfm2nufln",
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"User": {
"id": "U7LEPG8LF",
"imageUrl": "",
"username": "Batian Muthoga"
"status": "success"
GET one chat
To get one chat on a specific incident.
curl --request GET
PUT chat
Allows a user to edit a chat using the chat id.
Sample Request
curl --request PUT
Sample data
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"chat": "edited chat1"
Allows a user to delete a chat posted using the chat id.
Sample Request
curl --request DELETE
POST note
Allows a user to post a note on an incident.
Sample Request
curl --request POST
Sample data
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"note": "This is a sample note"
GET notes
To get all existing notes to an incident
curl --request GET
Sample Response
"data": {
"notes": [
"id": "cjfcblwwx00023dxsr13zj408",
"note": "New note",
"createdAt": "2018-03-29T09:32:25.185Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-03-29T09:32:25.185Z",
"incidentId": "cjfcbhngw00013dxsfm2nufln",
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"User": {
"id": "U7LEPG8LF",
"imageUrl": "",
"username": "Batian Muthoga"
"status": "success"
GET one note
To get a specific note to an existing incident
curl --request GET
PUT note
Allows a user to edit a note using the note id.
Sample Request
curl --request PUT
Sample data
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"note": "edited sample note"
Allows a user to delete a note posted using the note id.
Sample Request
curl --request DELETE