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Repository of plugins for Headless Haxball Manager.

This repository offers folowing plugins:


This section describes what plugins there are available in this repository and what kind of configuration options they support.


This plugin for monitors the player activity and kicks the players that idle too long.


// All times in the config are in seconds.
'hr/afk-monitor': {
  // If true, then only admins will be monitored.
  adminsOnly: true,
  // Max time player can be AFK.
  maxIdleTime: 5 * 60,
  // Max time player can be AFK when he is playing.
  maxIdleTimeWhenPlaying: 20,
  // Max time admins can be AFK when they are required to take action.
  maxAdminIdleTime: 20,
  // How many seconds beforehand to warn the player before getting kicked.
  warnBefore: 7,
  // Message to send to player when he is kicked.
  kickMessage: 'AFK',
  // Enables debugging messages to console (use only if developing).
  debug: false


This plugin ensures that the room always has at least one admin. It is basicly the example script from the Headless HaxBall WiKi page ported to a plugin.


This plugin does not accept any configuration options.


This plugin provides protection against unwanted banning of players.

If player that is not protected bans a player that is protected the banner gets banned himself and the banned player gets unbanned.

If player that is protected bans another protected player the player does not get banned but the banned player gets unbanned.

If allowOnlyProtectedRolesToBan is set to true, then the plugin also bans all unprotected players that are trying to ban other players and removes the ban they were trying to execute.

Depends on sav/roles plugin of the default HHM plugin repository.


'hr/ban-protection': {
  // Protected roles that cannot be banned.
  protectedRoles: [
  // If this is `true` only the players with roles listed in `protectedRoles`
  // are allowed to ban players. If `false` all players all allowed to ban, but
  // `protectedRoles` remain protected.
  allowOnlyProtectedRolesToBan: false,
  // Message to display when kicking / banning.
  violationMessage: 'You should have not tried to ban that player!',
  // If this is `true` the violators will get banned. Otherwise kicked.
  banTheBanners: false


This plugin restricts the rooms map to given array of allowed maps and sets the game setting to the given ones at startup.

Works only with the default HaxBall maps!

By default only maps named Big and Classic are allowed.

The default map names in HaxBall are Classic, Easy, Small, Big, Rounded, Hockey, Big Hockey, Big Easy, Big Rounded and Huge.


'hr/game-mode': {
  // Map to load when starting the room.
  defaultMap: 'Big',
  // Array of allowed map names. 
  allowedMaps: [
  // Locks the teams on room start if true. Does not enforce the setting.
  lockTeams: true,
  // Sets the time limit on room start. Does not enforce the setting.
  timeLimit: 3,
  // Sets the score limit on room start. Does not enforce the setting.
  scoreLimit: 3


Plugin that keeps track of banned players and offers some commands to control the kicking and banning.

If sav/commands and sav/roles plugins are available, then this plugin provides commands kick, ban, unban and banlist to be used with admin and host roles.

Exports bannedPlayers, ban, unban and kick functions.


This plugin does not accept any configuration options.


This plugin displays Message Of The Day.

Displays a message when player joins and repeats it once in every x minutes. The repeating can be disabled.

Depends on sav/cron of the default HHM plugin repository.


'hr/motd': {
  // If only this option is given the message is displayed when player
  // joins and also repeated. This is also displayed when using `!motd`
  // command.
  message: `Type !help for commands.`,
  // Message to be displayed when player joins.
  // You can use {player} to address the joined player.
  // e.g. `Welcome, {player}!`
  joinMessage: ``,
  // Message to be displayed repeatedly at speed of given `interval`.
  repeatedMessage: ``,
  // How often to display the `repeatedMessage` (or `message` if former 
  // is missing).
  // Time is in minutes. Set to 0 to disable displaying it repeatedly.
  interval: 10


This plugin enables players to pause the game by writing p in chat. It can also pause the game if a player leaves when game has started.


'hr/pause': {
  // If true, then game is paused if playing player leaves.
  pauseWhenPlayerLeaves: true,
  // If true, players are allowed to pause the game by writing 'p'.
  allowPlayersToPause: true,
  // How many times player can pause game (0 is unlimited).
  maxPauseTimes: 1,


This plugin provides spam protection. It prevents spamming similar messages and flooding the chat.


'hr/spam': {
  // If buffer fills within this interval then action is taken.
  // The unit is milliseconds.
  interval: 5000,
  // How many messages within the interval before player is warned.
  warnBuffer: 3,
  // How many messages within the interval before player is banned.
  maxBuffer: 4,
  // How many similar messages before player is warned.
  warnSimilar: 2,
  // How many similar messages before player is banned.
  maxSimilar: 3,
  // Message to send when warning player for spamming.
  warningMessage: `STOP SPAMMING`,
  // Message to send when player gets banned for spamming.
  banMessage: `SPAM`


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