⚠️ Package no longer maintained! I no longer have the time to properly maintain this package. Feel free to copy, modify, and distribute.
This component allows you to create an address-autocomplete using Danmarks Adressers WEB API in Vue 2 applications.
It relies heavily on https://github.com/DanmarksAdresser/dawa-autocomplete2, but uses the axios library instead of fetch for making requests and it is fully "vue-ified".
If you don't already use axios, install axios
together with vue-dawa
npm install --save axios @ancaio/vue-dawa
Or just:
npm install --save @ancaio/vue-dawa
In lib mode, the public path is dynamically determined based on the URL from which the main js file is loaded (to enable dynamic assets loading). However, this feature requires document.currentScript support, which is missing in IE. So it's recommended to include the current-script-polyfill in the final web page before the library is imported, if IE support is a requirement.
In lib mode, Vue is externalized. This means the bundle will not bundle Vue even if your code imports Vue. If the lib is used via a bundler, it will attempt to load Vue as a dependency through the bundler; otherwise, it falls back to a global Vue variable.
Make sure to import the component:
import VueDawa from '@ancaio/vue-dawa/sfc'
Add it to your components' components:
export default {
components: {
In your template:
<vue-dawa @select="selectItem($event, 'yourAddressObject')"
placeholder="Your Placeholder"
<label slot="label-top" for="field-2">Your label</label>
In your component's data, you will need to provide yourAddressObject
data () {
yourAddressObject: {
oneLineAddress: ''
You will also need to define a method for modifying the selected address to your needs - if that is desired.
// here the event payload is of the type "adresse"
translateData (address) {
if (!address || !address.data) {
return {
id: address.data.id,
street: address.data.vejnavn,
streetNumber: address.data.husnr,
floor: address.data.etage,
door: address.data.dør,
zipCode: address.data.postnr,
city: address.data.postnrnavn,
oneLineAddress: address.oneLineAddress // formatted one-line address, OR address.forslagstekst OR address.tekst
If you will create multiple fields in the same component, you might want to handle the select event in a manner that will allow you to update whichever address object without writing custom handlers for each. A quick example:
// handle the select event emitted by vue-dawa
selectItem (payload, objectName) {
this.$set(this, objectName, this.translateData(payload))
Event | Value |
select |
Object - the raw DAWA address object |
listHeightUpdated |
double - current height of results ul |
inputChanged |
String - search terms changed |
Prop | Required | Type | Purpose |
placeholder |
no | String |
Displays a placeholder in the input field |
containerId |
yes | String |
Provides the id attribute of the component wrapper and is used in computing a unique id for the list of results used in height detection |
containerClasses |
no | String or Object |
Custom styling |
disabled |
no | Boolean |
Disable input. Remember to add 'disabled' in your fieldClasses prop for the default disabled styling, or use your own. |
fieldId |
yes | String |
When combined with a label, improves accessibility |
fieldClasses |
no | String or Object |
Custom styling |
fieldName |
no | String |
Can be useful in form validation |
listClasses |
no | String or Object |
Custom styling |
listItemClasses |
no | String or Object |
Custom styling. Active class is handled by the component already, but feel free to play. |
val |
no | String |
Pre-populates the input field with an initial value |
addressId |
no | String |
A DAWA address id. If provided, it will perform an automatic search on created and populate the field with the found address. It will also emit the selected event. |
options |
no | Object , see default options below |
Configuring the DAWA service. NOTE: The component was only intended for full addresses, but it should work with other types. See DAWA's docs for more info |
showMax |
no, but you might want it set | Number |
Limits the number of visible results |
resultsListStyle |
no | Object |
Provide style for results list |
listScrollBehavior |
no | Object |
Define the scroll behavior for the results list, to be used by Element.scrollIntoView() |
params: {},
minLength: 2, // would leave this alone if I were you, it can lead to wonky behavior.
retryDelay: 500,
type: 'adresse',
baseUrl: 'https://dawa.aws.dk',
adgangsadresserOnly: false,
stormodtagerpostnumre: true,
supplerendebynavn: true,
fuzzy: true,
Overflow:hidden nuissance
If vue-dawa is placed in a container (or descendant of a container) with overflow: hidden
, the list of results will be cut off.
There is no easy or nice fix for this, unfortunately.
What you CAN do, is leverage the listHeightUpdated
event, which will pass to you the height of the list of results.
You can use this height to compute a min-height property on the container in question or child of it, and give it a transition on the height for a smoother change.
It's not flawless, but it will allow you to use the component in a container with overflow: hidden
You can import the default style:
import '@ancaio/vue-dawa/dist/vue-dawa.css'
or customize the css yourself. Remember you can add custom classes to all the elements of the componets.
For the results list, you can also provide styling options via the resultsListStyle
prop. For instance, if you want to control the scroll of the list, this property's value could be:
maxHeight: '200px',
overflowY: 'auto',
overFlowX: 'hidden'
Here's a starting point for tweaking the default css.
.autocomplete-container {
/* relative position for at de absolut positionerede forslag får korrekt placering.*/
position: relative;
width: 100%;
max-width: 30em;
.autocomplete-container input {
/* Både input og forslag får samme bredde som omkringliggende DIV */
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.dawa-autocomplete-suggestions {
position: absolute;
z-index: 9999;
width: 100%;
margin: 0.15em 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
border-radius: 0.3125em;
background: #fcfcfc;
box-shadow: 0 0.0625em 0.15625em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
box-sizing: border-box;
.dawa-autocomplete-suggestions .dawa-autocomplete-suggestion {
margin: 0;
list-style: none;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 0.4em 0.6em;
color: #333;
border: 0.0625em solid #ddd;
border-bottom-width: 0;
.dawa-autocomplete-suggestions .dawa-autocomplete-suggestion:first-child {
border-top-left-radius: inherit;
border-top-right-radius: inherit;
.dawa-autocomplete-suggestions .dawa-autocomplete-suggestion:last-child {
border-bottom-left-radius: inherit;
border-bottom-right-radius: inherit;
border-bottom-width: 0.0625em;
.dawa-autocomplete-suggestions .dawa-autocomplete-suggestion.active,
.dawa-autocomplete-suggestions .dawa-autocomplete-suggestion:hover {
background: #f0f0f0;
color: #333;