Releases: AmyShackles/react-autosuggestions
Releases · AmyShackles/react-autosuggestions
Version 3.2.1
- Fixes the bug where typing into the autosuggest input would raise an exception if the list of options was empty.
Version 3.2.0
- Changes aria-live region from "assertive" to "polite"
Version 3.1.0
- Allows caseInsensitive search in Client version of AutoSuggest component
Version 3.02
- Fixes bug where listbox would reopen if server returned results after the listbox was closed
Version 3
- To enable smoother updates when the value of the input is changed through a state update rather than the usage of the dropdown, users must now pass a handleChange function and a value.
- Fixes bug where suggestions message was persisting when the listbox was closed
Version 2.1.0
- Adds ability to pass disabled property to input
More flexibility in options argument
- Adds the ability to pass an options object with { name, value }
- Adds the ability to pass an options object with { name, value, abbr }
Version 2, patch 1
- Adds z-index to listbox wrapper
- Fixes merge of user styles and default styles
Version 2
- Removes need to pass a ref to AutoSuggest component
- Includes more testing of components
- Updates README
- Changes license to MIT