(Seriously trying to not brag about my Arch Linux!... pss.
I use Arch Btw!
... oof it's hard)
Student at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Currently Working on Paasify - Ship on the go!
global APS = {
'pronouns': 'he' | 'him',
'code': [JavaScript, Python, C++],
'tools': [HTML, CSS, Nodejs, Reactjs, Nextjs, React Native, Expo, Storybook, Flask, MongoDB, Docker],
'architecture': ["monolithic"],
'techCommunities': {
'Open Source Head': "Coding Club IITG",
'challenge': "Looking for some challenges! I am always available on discord: '$ su Amresh#6575'"
'what do I like other than coding?': "Cycling, Football, Trekking, Swimming"
- Docker-in-Docker: Building Images inside a Running Container
- Self-Host Ghost Blog with Mysql and Traefik
- Simplify your deployment with Traefik - A comprehensive walk-through
- Hosting Flask and Node WebApp for free - Heroku Alternative
- Fixing Full Screen Issue on Manjaro (KDE) on VMWare
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I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to know you more! :)