Amethyst is a Discordeno framework that is incredibly robust and flexible. It promotes standard practices and is geared at bigger bots.
npm i @thereallonewolf/amethystframework
- Thanks to Amethyst's adaptability, you can change a lot of things and add features as you see appropriate.
- A developer may create slash or message interactions with Amethyst.
- Assistance with interactions, such as selection, built-in buttons, and more.
- Explore more incredible features of our framework.
Amethyst utilizes Decorators to help you keep readability and simplify your code. Support for message and slash commands without requiring code rewriting.
- Completely programmable.
- Simple to use and learn.
import { createBot, GatewayIntents, startBot } from "discordeno";
import { enableCachePlugin, enableCacheSweepers } from "discordeno/cache-plugin";
import {
} from "@thereallonewolf/amethystframework";
let baseClient = createBot({
token: "TOKEN",
intents: GatewayIntents.Guilds | GatewayIntents.GuildMessages | GatewayIntents.MessageContent,
let client = enableAmethystPlugin(enableCachePlugin(baseClient), {
botMentionAsPrefix: true,
prefix: "!", //Can be a function or a string.
ignoreBots: false,
name: "general",
description: "My general commands",
uniqueCommands: true,
default: "", //As all the commands are unique so no need to set the default command.
export class General {
name: "ping",
description: "Pong!",
commandType: ["application", "message"],
category: "general",
args: [],
async ping(bot: AmethystBot, ctx: Context) {
ctx.reply({ content: "Pong!" });
async ready() {
console.log("I am ready!");
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.