- Introduction
- OS Repositories
- Direct Downloads
- Set the PATH
- Zef Module Manager as a Regular User
- Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Using rakudo-pkg on Travis
- Building Your Own Packages
- Other Rakudo Distributions
- Contributing
offers native packages of Rakudo Perl 6,
also known as Raku, that closely follow upstream development. Most of the time,
the packages will be released on the same day as the Rakudo sources. At the
moment, packages are provided for Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE and
Ubuntu. Feel free to contribute or
request new packages.
aims to provide small self-contained (no dependencies, no files
outside /opt/rakudo-pkg
), pre-compiled native OS packages that can be used
on user's computers, servers and --very importantly-- containers. Therefor,
only the Rakudo compiler and the
Zef package manager are provided. Third
party modules can be easily installed if desired.
From a security point of view, we like to create the builds in the open: the packages are created, checksummed and automatically uploaded from the code in this repository by Travis CI to Github Releases and Bintray Repositories.
For those users, or rather System Administrators, that prefer to build their
own Rakudo packages, rakudo-pkg
can be used as a build framework. Because
Docker containers are used when creating native Linux packages, any platform
running Docker can be used as a host, including Linux, MacOS and Windows machines.
The easiest way to install the Rakudo (starting from release 2018.04.1) on
Debian, Centos, Fedora, openSUSE and Ubuntu is by using the rakudo-pkg
repositories. For Alpine, see Direct Downloads.
Optionally you can install zef as a user.
To use the repos on Debian and Ubuntu, you need to add the applicable sources:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 379CE192D401AB61
$ echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg-debs `lsb_release -cs` main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rakudo-pkg.list
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install rakudo-pkg
If you don't have lsb_release
installed, you can use the OS codename (e.g.,
stretch, bionic, etc.) instead of the lsb_release -cs
To use the repos on CentOS, Fedora and openSUSE, you need to a repofile:
$ echo -e "[rakudo-pkg]\nname=rakudo-pkg\nbaseurl=https://dl.bintray.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg-rpms/`lsb_release -is`/`lsb_release -rs| cut -d. -f1`/x86_64\ngpgcheck=0\nenabled=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/rakudo-pkg.repo
If you don't have redhat-lsb-core
installed, you can use the OS name (e.g.,
CentOS, Fedora) instead of the lsb_release -is
command and release (e.g. 7,
26, 27, 28) instead of the one with -rs
Install the package on CentOS:
$ sudo yum install rakudo-pkg
Install the package on Fedora:
$ sudo dnf install rakudo-pkg
To use the repos on openSUSE, you need to add a repo to zypper (accept the key):
$ sudo zypper ar -f https://dl.bintray.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg-rpms/openSUSE/`lsb_release -rs`/x86_64 rakudo-pkg
$ sudo zypper install rakudo-pkg
In case you don't have lsb-release
installed, you can put the openSUSE
version (e.g. 42.3) instead of the lsb_release -rs
Optionally you can install zef as a user.
Most modern computer have a 64-bit Operating System, so regular users should use 64-bit packages. The 32-bit are supplied for specific usages, like 32-bit images on some cloud providers. 32-bit Rakudo is not JIT enabled (upstream) and as a result a lot slower.
At the moment the following packages are provided (see the full listing including older versions in the releases tab):
- Alpine 3.10, 64-bit: apk (checksum).
- Alpine 3.9, 64-bit: apk (checksum).
- Alpine 3.8, 64-bit: apk (checksum).
- Alpine 3.7, 64-bit: apk (checksum).
- CentOS 7, 64-bit: rpm (checksum).
- Debian 10, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Debian 9, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Debian 8, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Fedora 30, 64-bit: rpm (checksum).
- Fedora 29, 64-bit: rpm (checksum).
- openSUSE 15.1, 64-bit: rpm (checksum).
- openSUSE 15.0, 64-bit: rpm (checksum).
- Ubuntu 19.04, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 18.10, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 18.04, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 16.04, 64-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 19.04, 32-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 18.10, 32-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 18.04, 32-bit: deb (checksum).
- Ubuntu 16.04, 32-bit: deb (checksum).
You can install these package with the regular package manager of your distribution:
- Alpine:
$ sudo apk add --allow-untrusted *.apk
- Debian and Ubuntu:
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
- CentOS, Fedora and openSUSE:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh *.rpm
The path is set by setting a rakudo-pkg.sh profile file in /etc/profile.d. If
perl 6 in in your path (type perl6 -v
) you can stop reading this section
and enjoy perl6.
Alternatively, a script is supplied to do this automatically for you. Run it as your regular user:
$ /opt/rakudo-pkg/bin/add-perl6-to-path
If you prefer, you can change the PATH manually. Be aware that environment files start with a '.' and are hidden by convention on graphical file browsers:
- For bourne derivated shells (like bash), add this to your
or the corresponding environment init script for your shell:
export PATH
- For zsh, add this to ~/.zshenv or ~/.zprofile, depending on your distribution:
path=(~/.perl6/bin /opt/rakudo-pkg/bin /opt/rakudo-pkg/share/perl6/site/bin $path[@])
The installation supplies a working global Zef installation
). However, Rakudo takes a different
approach to many other languages (including Perl 5): modules are by default
installed the home directory of the user. A script is supplied to install
zef as a user. Zef will be installed to ~/.perl6/bin/zef
and modules will
reside in ~/.perl6
If you're using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (aka Bash or Ubuntu on Windows 10), use the repository or package for the installed Linux distribution. You'll need to strip the moarvm library of (unused) kernel functionalities that Windows does not implement yet:
$ /opt/rakudo-pkg/bin/fix_windows10
You can use rakudo-pkg to speed-up the continuous integration of your Perl 6
module on Travis and other CI systems. Since this
package is going to be downloaded in the install phase, you don't
need to specify a language (by default, it will install Ruby). Don't
specify perl6
since this will download and build perl6 from source. Note
that rakudo-pkg does not exist for Precise Pangolin, so use trusty(default)
or newer.
A valid .travis.yml
would include:
language: generic
- export PATH="/opt/rakudo-pkg/bin:/opt/rakudo-pkg/share/perl6/site/bin:$PATH"
- sourceline: 'deb https://dl.bintray.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg-debs $(lsb_release -cs) main'
key_url: 'http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=0x379CE192D401AB61&op=get'
- rakudo-pkg
After this line, you should do zef install . && zef test .
or whatever else you need to test your package. In case you need an specific version, older
versions are kept in the repository.
If you prefer to build your own packages instead of the ones offered in the
releases tab, you can use the
images from the DockerHub. The
image name is nxadm/rakudo-pkg
while where every
image tag corresponds with
an specific OS-Release-Architecture combination. Alternatively, you can build
them with the Dockerfiles in the docker
Ubuntu does not release 32-bit base images. An script is supplied to build them from official sources.
$ bin/create-baseimg.p6
$ bin/create-baseimg.p6 <Ubuntu release>
$ bin/create-baseimg.p6 18.04
You need to supply the necessary environment variables to Docker:
Our packages do not interfere with the packages included in Linux distributions and can be installed at the same time. Distribution packages that integrate with the Operating System are often a good choice. That said, Perl 6 reached language stability very recently. Packages that date from sources before December 2015 should be considered beta (Rakudo is a lot slower and some features where removed or added in the language). Perl 6 and Rakudo are evolving very fast, getting better and faster. So, often you'll need a recent release to use these features.
This is the state of Rakudo packaged by the distribution themselves:
- Alpine 3.10: -
- Alpine 3.9: -
- Alpine 3.8: -
- Alpine 3.7: -
- CentOS 7: -
- Debian 10: 2018.05
- Debian 9: 2016.12 (avoid, predates the breaking IO changes)
- Debian 8: 2014.07 (avoid, predates the Christmas release)
- Fedora 30: 2019.03
- Fedora 29: 2018.05
- openSUSE 15.1: 2019.03
- openSUSE 15.0: -
- Ubuntu 19.04: 2018.12
- Ubuntu 18.10: 2018.06
- Ubuntu 18.04: 2018.03
- Ubuntu 16.04: 2015.11 (avoid, predates the Christmas release)
Rakudo Star for Linux is certainly a
distribution for end-users worth exploring. It has a very different use case
in mind than rakudo-pkg
, however. While we concentrate on releasing
minimalistic, self-contained packages for every Rakudo release (monthly),
Rakudo Star releases quarterly and it includes a wide selection of third party
modules. On Linux, it does not provide binaries. Instead it locally compiles
the Rakudo compiler and the third party modules.
Issues (bugs and ideas) and PRs are always welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md.