This is a modified version of the traditional game of hangman. It was created as my first independent project within my General Assembly class(week 4).
When the game is run, a random word is picked from the word bank array. Each letter guessed will either display within the field of where the letter appears in the word or it will display in the "wrong letters already guessed" field and the "attempts left" will reduce by 1.
The letters guessed should be input as lower case as upper case submissions will not generate a true response to the matching letters. This issue may be updated in the future and when complete, the ReadMe will be amended.
When the game is over or won, an alert will show. On a game over, clicking the alert will reset the game. On a win, the user will return to the same screen and can choose to refresh with the browser.
Javascript / HTML / CSS
The theme chosen is based on the hacking terminals within the Bethesda game series Fallout. "Fallout", "Nuka Cola" the Pip Boy graphic and all related intelectual properties are copyright of Bethesda Games.
Thanks for reading!