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24.3 Backport of PR #65190: Support aliases in parametrized view function (only new analyzer) #1632

24.3 Backport of PR #65190: Support aliases in parametrized view function (only new analyzer)

24.3 Backport of PR #65190: Support aliases in parametrized view function (only new analyzer) #1632

Status Failure
Total duration 3h 37m 58s
Artifacts 114


on: pull_request
BuildDockers  /  DockerBuildAarch64
BuildDockers / DockerBuildAarch64
BuildDockers  /  DockerBuildAmd64
BuildDockers / DockerBuildAmd64
BuildDockers  /  DockerMultiArchManifest
BuildDockers / DockerMultiArchManifest
BuilderDebRelease  /  Build-package_release
54m 42s
BuilderDebRelease / Build-package_release
BuilderDebAarch64  /  Build-package_aarch64
54m 12s
BuilderDebAarch64 / Build-package_aarch64
BuilderDebAsan  /  Build-package_asan
31m 49s
BuilderDebAsan / Build-package_asan
BuilderDebTsan  /  Build-package_tsan
32m 56s
BuilderDebTsan / Build-package_tsan
BuilderDebDebug  /  Build-package_debug
32m 22s
BuilderDebDebug / Build-package_debug
BuilderDebUBsan  /  Build-package_ubsan
35m 38s
BuilderDebUBsan / Build-package_ubsan
BuilderDebMsan  /  Build-package_msan
38m 10s
BuilderDebMsan / Build-package_msan
BuilderBinDarwin  /  Build-binary_darwin
26m 28s
BuilderBinDarwin / Build-binary_darwin
BuilderBinDarwinAarch64  /  Build-binary_darwin_aarch64
28m 54s
BuilderBinDarwinAarch64 / Build-binary_darwin_aarch64
RegressionTestsRelease  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
RegressionTestsRelease / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
CompatibilityCheckX86  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
CompatibilityCheckX86 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestRelease  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestRelease / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestRelease  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestRelease / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
InstallPackagesTestRelease  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
InstallPackagesTestRelease / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsRelease  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsRelease / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
SignRelease  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
SignRelease / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
RegressionTestsAarch64  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
RegressionTestsAarch64 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
CompatibilityCheckAarch64  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
CompatibilityCheckAarch64 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestAarch64  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestAarch64 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestAarch64  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestAarch64 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
InstallPackagesTestAarch64  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
InstallPackagesTestAarch64 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
SignAarch64  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
SignAarch64 / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
DockerKeeperImage  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
DockerKeeperImage / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
DockerServerImage  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
DockerServerImage / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestAsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestAsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestAsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestAsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsAnalyzerAsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsAnalyzerAsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsAsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsAsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestAsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestAsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestTsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestTsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestTsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestTsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsTsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
IntegrationTestsTsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestTsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestTsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestDebug  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestDebug / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestDebug  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestDebug / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestDebug  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestDebug / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestUBsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestUBsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestUBsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestUBsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestUBsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestUBsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestMsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatefulTestMsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestMsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
FunctionalStatelessTestMsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestMsan  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
StressTestMsan / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
BuilderReport  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
BuilderReport / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
BuilderSpecialReport  /  Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
BuilderSpecialReport / Compute proper runner labels for the rest of the jobs
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / Alter
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / Benchmark
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / Common
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / LDAP
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / ParquetS3
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / S3
Matrix: RegressionTestsRelease / TieredStorage
RegressionTestsRelease  /  ClickHouseKeeperSSL
2h 37m
RegressionTestsRelease / ClickHouseKeeperSSL
RegressionTestsRelease  /  Parquet
42m 39s
RegressionTestsRelease / Parquet
Matrix: CompatibilityCheckX86 / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestRelease / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestRelease / Test
Matrix: InstallPackagesTestRelease / Test
Matrix: IntegrationTestsRelease / Test
Matrix: SignRelease / Test
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / Alter
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / Benchmark
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / Common
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / LDAP
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / ParquetS3
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / S3
Matrix: RegressionTestsAarch64 / TieredStorage
RegressionTestsAarch64  /  ClickHouseKeeperSSL
3h 15m
RegressionTestsAarch64 / ClickHouseKeeperSSL
RegressionTestsAarch64  /  Parquet
58m 36s
RegressionTestsAarch64 / Parquet
Matrix: CompatibilityCheckAarch64 / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestAarch64 / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestAarch64 / Test
Matrix: InstallPackagesTestAarch64 / Test
Matrix: SignAarch64 / Test
Matrix: DockerKeeperImage / Test
Matrix: DockerServerImage / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestAsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestAsan / Test
Matrix: IntegrationTestsAnalyzerAsan / Test
Matrix: IntegrationTestsAsan / Test
Matrix: StressTestAsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestTsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestTsan / Test
Matrix: IntegrationTestsTsan / Test
Matrix: StressTestTsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestDebug / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestDebug / Test
Matrix: StressTestDebug / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestUBsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestUBsan / Test
Matrix: StressTestUBsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatefulTestMsan / Test
Matrix: FunctionalStatelessTestMsan / Test
Matrix: StressTestMsan / Test
Matrix: BuilderReport / Test
Matrix: BuilderSpecialReport / Test
Fit to window
Zoom out
Zoom in


29 errors and 18 notices
BuilderSpecialReport / ClickHouse special build check
Process completed with exit code 1.
DockerKeeperImage / Docker keeper image
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsRelease / TieredStorage (minio)
Process completed with exit code 2.
RegressionTestsRelease / TieredStorage (s3amazon)
Process completed with exit code 2.
RegressionTestsRelease / TieredStorage (s3gcs)
Process completed with exit code 2.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / TieredStorage (minio)
Process completed with exit code 2.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / TieredStorage (s3amazon)
Process completed with exit code 2.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / TieredStorage (s3gcs)
Process completed with exit code 2.
FunctionalStatelessTestAsan / Stateless tests (asan)-2
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsRelease / Parquet
Process completed with exit code 1.
FunctionalStatelessTestUBsan / Stateless tests (ubsan)-1
Process completed with exit code 1.
FunctionalStatelessTestMsan / Stateless tests (msan)-4
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsRelease / ParquetS3 (aws_s3)
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsRelease / ParquetS3 (minio)
Process completed with exit code 1.
FunctionalStatelessTestRelease / Stateless tests (release)
Process completed with exit code 1.
IntegrationTestsAnalyzerAsan / Integration tests (asan, old analyzer)-0
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / Parquet
Process completed with exit code 1.
IntegrationTestsTsan / Integration tests (tsan)-0
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / ParquetS3 (minio)
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / ParquetS3 (aws_s3)
Process completed with exit code 1.
IntegrationTestsRelease / Integration tests (release)-0
Process completed with exit code 1.
IntegrationTestsAsan / Integration tests (asan)-0
Process completed with exit code 1.
StressTestAsan / Stress test (asan)
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsRelease / S3 (aws_s3)
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / S3 (aws_s3)
Process completed with exit code 1.
RegressionTestsRelease / Common (ssl_server)
The job running on runner github-hetzner-runner-11289112244-31460768739 has exceeded the maximum execution time of 210 minutes.
RegressionTestsRelease / Common (ssl_server)
The operation was canceled.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / Common (ssl_server)
The job running on runner github-hetzner-runner-11289112244-31460775420 has exceeded the maximum execution time of 210 minutes.
RegressionTestsAarch64 / Common (ssl_server)
The operation was canceled.
BuilderBinDarwinAarch64 / Build-binary_darwin_aarch64
Build URLs:
BuilderBinDarwinAarch64 / Build-binary_darwin_aarch64
Log URL:
BuilderDebAarch64 / Build-package_aarch64
Build URLs:
BuilderDebAarch64 / Build-package_aarch64
Log URL:
BuilderBinDarwin / Build-binary_darwin
Build URLs:
BuilderBinDarwin / Build-binary_darwin
Log URL:
BuilderDebAsan / Build-package_asan
Build URLs:
BuilderDebAsan / Build-package_asan
Log URL:
BuilderDebMsan / Build-package_msan
Build URLs:
BuilderDebMsan / Build-package_msan
Log URL:
BuilderDebDebug / Build-package_debug
Build URLs:
BuilderDebDebug / Build-package_debug
Log URL:
BuilderDebRelease / Build-package_release
Build URLs:
BuilderDebRelease / Build-package_release
Log URL:
BuilderDebTsan / Build-package_tsan
Build URLs:
BuilderDebTsan / Build-package_tsan
Log URL:
BuilderDebUBsan / Build-package_ubsan
Build URLs:
BuilderDebUBsan / Build-package_ubsan
Log URL:


Produced during runtime
Name Size
parquet-aarch64-artifacts Expired
226 MB
parquet-aws_s3-aarch64-artifacts Expired
318 MB
parquet-aws_s3-release-artifacts Expired
306 MB
parquet-minio-aarch64-artifacts Expired
313 MB
parquet-minio-release-artifacts Expired
304 MB
parquet-release-artifacts Expired
220 MB
s3-aws_s3-aarch64-artifacts Expired
21.6 MB
s3-aws_s3-release-artifacts Expired
21.2 MB
s3-gcs-aarch64-artifacts Expired
17.1 MB
ssl_server-aarch64-artifacts Expired
18.5 MB
ssl_server-release-artifacts Expired
19 MB
tiered_storage-minio-aarch64-artifacts Expired
10.8 KB
tiered_storage-minio-release-artifacts Expired
10.8 KB
tiered_storage-s3amazon-aarch64-artifacts Expired
10.8 KB
tiered_storage-s3amazon-release-artifacts Expired
10.8 KB
tiered_storage-s3gcs-aarch64-artifacts Expired
10.8 KB
tiered_storage-s3gcs-release-artifacts Expired
10.8 KB