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wangzheng422 committed Jan 19, 2023
1 parent bf28203 commit 7034a5a
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Showing 3 changed files with 789 additions and 34 deletions.
159 changes: 125 additions & 34 deletions redhat/ocp4/4.11/
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@@ -1,25 +1,44 @@
# openshift4.11 acm with hypershift
# openshift4.11 acm with hypershift on baremetal

本文介绍,在openshift4.11上,装 ACM 组件以后,然后通过hypershift的方式,来部署一个单worker节点openshift4.11的控制面托管的集群,在部署的过程中,我们模拟离线的网络环境,并且禁止DHCP,只用静态IP。

> This document, will describe how to deploy a single worker node cluster using hypershift, on a ocp 4.11 hub cluster with ACM. During the deployment process, we simulate an offline network environment, and Disable DHCP, only use static IP.

> The control plane hosting (hypershift) mode is attractive because it can turn the control plane into a namespace and then host it on the central cluster, so that the control planes of multiple clusters can be concentrated on one central cluster, which can greatly increase the computing density of the master node and save the cost of the master node. And the operation and maintenance of the master node can be handed over to the central cluster operated by a professional team. As an end user, you only need to care about the operation and maintenance of the worker node, and the operation and maintenance of the worker node is relatively simple.
对比SNO,compact cluster这种master/worker混合部署的方案,hypershift通过剥离控制面业务负载,到中心集群,防止work load对master的不利影响,比如用户部署了一个UPF这种极度消耗CPU的应用,就会无意间影响master,从而让整个集群垮掉。而hypershift就从方案层面,避免了这种情况。而从中心集群的角度来说,他的业务负载种类比较单一,就能刚好的有针对性的优化和运维。

> Compared with the master/worker combind deployment mod of SNO and compact cluster, hypershift removes the control plane work load and transfers it to the central cluster to prevent the adverse impact of work load on the master. For example, if a user deploys an application that consumes CPU such as UPF, It will inadvertently affect the master, causing the entire cluster to collapse. And hypershift avoids this situation from the architecture level. From the perspective of the central cluster, its work load type is relatively simple and consistent, and it can be optimized for operation and maintenance by focusing on the control plan.

1. 在openshift4上安装ACM组件
1. 在openshift4上安装ACM组件
2. 在ACM上配置cluster, infra env等配置。
3. MCE通过网络 redfish 协议启动kvm
4. kvm自动开始集群安装,但是由于kvm+redfish的限制,安装过程中的重启,需要手动停止kvm,配置由硬盘启动,然后再手动启动kvm。
5. 集群安装完成,保存集群登录信息

> In this experiment, the whole process is as follows:
>1. Install the ACM component on openshift4.
>2. Configure cluster, infra env and other configurations on ACM.
>3. MCE starts kvm through network redfish protocol
>4. Kvm automatically starts the cluster installation, but due to the limitation of kvm+redfish, the restart during the installation process requires manually stopping kvm, configuring it to start from the hard disk, and then manually starting kvm.
>5. The cluster installation is complete, save the cluster login information
>The deployment architecture diagram of this experiment:

本次实验的网络架构,和服务器, kvm部属架构,是依托之前的一个未完成的实验,[工厂模式](../4.10/,虽然工厂模式实验的网络模型比较复杂,但是我们就不重复配置环境了。如果想了解IPI模式如何部署集群,可以参考上述文档。

>The network architecture of this experiment, as well as the server and kvm deployment architecture, are based on a previous unfinished experiment, [Factory Mode](../4.10/, although the network model of the factory mode experiment is more complicated , but we will not repeat the configuration environment. If you want to know how to deploy clusters in IPI mode, you can refer to the above documents.
> reference:

Expand All @@ -30,12 +49,16 @@
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# 静态变量和 kvm 配置
# 静态变量 / static variable

根据factory的安装过程,我们弄了一个 3 node IPI 模式安装的 openshift, 是一个 ipi 的 compact cluster. 我们把这个集群作为hub集群,里面要装ACM组件。

> According to the installation process of the factory, we have installed openshift in 3 node IPI mode, which is an ipi compact cluster. We use this cluster as a hub cluster, and ACM components must be installed in it.

> The following parameters are the parameters of the new cluster created by using this hub cluster through hypershift. The new cluster has only one worker node.
# on helper

Expand All @@ -60,12 +83,16 @@ SNO_CORE_PWD=redhat


另外,要说明的是,我们发现参考材料里面,对dns的配置不太对,至少对于单一worker节点来说,api, apps都指向这个worker节点就可以。
另外,要说明的是,我们发现参考材料里面,对dns的配置不需要那么,至少对于单一worker节点来说,apps都指向这个worker节点就可以,api,api-int的域名指向并不重要,因为我们的实验,通过nodeport暴露API server,然后ip地址和端口号被静态的写入了kubelet的配置。

> In addition, it should be noted that we found that in the reference materials, the configuration of dns does not need to be so, at least for a single worker node, apps can all point to this worker node, and the domain names of api and api-int are not important. Because of our experiment, the API server is exposed through nodeport, and then the ip address and port number are statically written into the kubelet configuration.
# 部署ACM
# 部署ACM / deploy ACM


> Next, we deploy ACM, we use the simplest deployment mode.
# install operator Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,33 +175,63 @@ oc get managedclusteraddons -A


装好了是这样,我们能看到装了2个operator, ACM和MCE

> This is how it is installed, we can see that 2 operators, ACM and MCE are installed


> We can access ACM through webUI:


> As you can see, there is a local-cluster by default, the type is hub, and this is our cluster with ACM installed.


> Click into it, you can see the detailed information of this cluster.

<!-- ![](imgs/2023-01-16-20-01-07.png) -->

> And the nodes contained in this cluster.


> The ACM addon installed in this cluster.

新版本的ACM还有一个cluster set的概念,用来分类cluster.

> The new version of ACM also has a concept of cluster set, which is used to classify clusters.


> On the ACM overview page, you can see the multi-cloud environment managed by this ACM.


# 用hypershift模式部署只有一个worker的集群
> Other links have no content and the page is empty.
# 用hypershift模式部署集群 / Deploy the cluster using hypershift

有过部署assisted install service,并通过AIS来部署SNO的经验,那么通过ACM,用hypershift的模式来部署,就容易理解了,整个过程一样,都是配置ACM里面的assisted install service,然后定义infr env,调用BMC API,来直接挂载iso,并启动主机。不同的地方,之前是定义一个 ClusterDeployment, 现在定义一个 HostedCluster,这个hosted cluster会帮助我们创建 cluster deployment 。
有过部署assisted install service,并通过AIS来部署SNO的经验,那么通过ACM,用hypershift的模式来部署,就容易理解了,整个过程一样,都是配置ACM里面的assisted install service,然后定义infr env,调用BMC API,来直接挂载iso,并启动主机。不同的地方,以前的实验,之后是定义一个 ClusterDeployment, 现在要定义一个 HostedCluster,这个hosted cluster会帮助我们创建 cluster deployment 。

## setup ACM for cluster deploy
## setup ACM for agent service

ACM 2.6 UI 是完全支持hypershift的,但是,我们现在的实验,是为了项目上能定制,所以有些配置要用命令行完成。

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,18 +301,6 @@ EOF
oc create -f ${BASE_DIR}/data/install/
# oc delete -f ${BASE_DIR}/data/install/

# cat << EOF > ${BASE_DIR}/data/install/acm.secret.yaml
# apiVersion: v1
# kind: Secret
# metadata:
# name: assisted-deployment-pull-secret
# namespace: multicluster-engine
# stringData:
# .dockerconfigjson: '$PULL_SECRET'
# oc create -f ${BASE_DIR}/data/install/acm.secret.yaml
# # oc delete -f ${BASE_DIR}/data/install/acm.secret.yaml

openshift-install version
# openshift-install 4.11.21
# built from commit d3fb15afdbf1558344ea88a1e134c8e9a011440f
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,6 +412,8 @@ oc get pod -n multicluster-engine | grep assisted

## create the infra env

infra env这个概念比较古怪,他的意思是,一组相同的主机共享的配置,共享什么配置呢?主要是网络参数配置,启动盘ISO的定制化配置等等。


oc create ns ${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,16 +554,26 @@ oc get infraenv/${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} -n ${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} -o json | jq .status


定义好了infra env,我们就能在ACM的web界面上看到啦。


infra env的详细信息,似乎没什么有用的,就是一些普通的配置。


在infra env的host配置里面,我们看到,现在还没有一个主机添加进来。


## add host to infra env

我们接下来要做的,就是给infra env添加主机,从web界面上看,大概有3种添加方法,一个是手动挂载discovery ISO,然后在infra env里面自动发现,一个是通过web界面,配置BMC等参数,来添加host,最后一种,是通过上传yaml配置文件来完成导入host的操作。



# lets confirm that the metal3 component is ready
# then we can use ocp to manage the baremetal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,13 +656,18 @@ oc get BareMetalHost/${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}-${SNO_HOSTNAME} -n ${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}
# online: true
# ......




其实在目标kvm上,是启动了一个定制的coreos live cd,启动了以后,运行了一个服务,他会搜集本机的信息,然后上报,上述操作顺利的话,我们就能在界面上看到主机信息更新了。




oc get agent -n ${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1017,15 +1079,21 @@ oc get pod -n ${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}-${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} | tail -n +2 | wc -l


配置导入以后,我们就能看到多了一个集群edge01, 类型是hosted.




我们还能看到hub集群上,有了一个edge01-edge01的namespace,里面有集群控制面的pod,其中就有我们熟悉的etcd, api-server


## import the hosted cluster

复制页面上的命令,并到helper上,运行这2个命令,他们是登录到hosted control plan,然后配置一些CR进去
经过一段时间,新集群就安装成功了,但是页面上提示,需要手动导入。我们复制页面上的命令,并到helper上,运行这2个命令,他们是登录到hosted control plan,然后配置一些CR进去


Expand All @@ -1051,7 +1119,7 @@ echo "Ci0tLQphc............" | base64 -d | oc create -f - || test $? -eq 0 && sl
# lets decode the first 2 base64 content, the 3rd one is just a message.

第一个导入hosted control plan的yaml
我们很好奇到底导入了什么东西,那让我们解码看看。第一个导入hosted control plan的yaml是一个CRD。

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1266,7 +1334,9 @@ status:
storedVersions: []




Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1436,26 +1506,50 @@ spec:




cluster set页面上也都是正常的标志。














我们简单的看看,这个hosted control plan的资源消耗。


我们看一下这个control plan里面都些什么pod。


## cli login into the hosted cluster


oc extract -n ${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} secret/${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}-admin-kubeconfig --to=- > ${BASE_DIR}/data/install/kubeconfig-${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1489,8 +1583,8 @@ oc --kubeconfig=${BASE_DIR}/data/install/kubeconfig-${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} get co
# storage 4.11.21 True False False 6h25m

oc --kubeconfig=${BASE_DIR}/data/install/kubeconfig-${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} get node
# edge-master-01 Ready worker 6h28m v1.24.6+5658434
# edge-worker-01 Ready worker 17h v1.24.6+5658434

oc --kubeconfig=${BASE_DIR}/data/install/kubeconfig-${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} get mcp
# error: the server doesn't have a resource type "mcp"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1520,9 +1614,6 @@ oc --kubeconfig=${BASE_DIR}/data/install/kubeconfig-${ACM_DEMO_CLUSTER} get clus
# version 4.11.21 True False 6h35m Cluster version is 4.11.21

# to delete cluster


## post operation
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