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A repository that contains a collection of various rices that i made over the time


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6a81147 · Sep 7, 2022
Sep 7, 2022
Aug 21, 2022
Sep 6, 2022
Aug 21, 2022
Aug 24, 2022
Jun 7, 2022

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AlphaTechnolog's Openbox Rice

Welcome! This is the repository for my openbox rice using decay (decayce variant)

Notice! ⚠️

If you like this configuration, please give me a star in this repo, it will make me more happy! 😁

If you want, you can visit more of my repos or go to my profile Ah, and gimme credits if you will use my config for showcase :3

See other branches to go to others/older rices

Information ℹ️

Here are some details about my setup:

Setup ✏️

Clone the repository

First clone the repository

git clone -b openbox
cd dotfiles

Requirements ✅

Then make sure you have the next requirements installed

This is in testing phase btw, if you think i miss some pkg, please tell me it opening an issue


font utility
Product Sans (Google Sans) Main UI Font
Iosevka Nerd Font Some icons, others are rendered using svg
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Terminal font


dependency utility
Openbox The window manager
Network Manager Recommended
bluetoothctl To manage bluetooth from actions widget
redshift To make Night Light work in actions widget
picom The compositor, i'm using the Arian8j's picom fork
hilbish The shell
bat Enhanced cat
exa Enhanced ls (using for tree too)
rofi Apps launcher
playerctl Remotely music management (needs to use dbus, use dbus-run-session if your session isn't started with dbus)
light Manage the brightness using the cli
pulseaudio Well, just the audio manager
pactl Manage pulseaudio using the cli
polybar Main Bar
eww Widgets, don't install i included the binary
jgmenu Right click in the desktop menu with search ability

Copy the configs

WARNING: Configuration files may be overrided.

mkdir -p ~/.config && cp -r ./cfg/* ~/.config
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && cp -r ./bin/* ~/.local/bin
cp -r ./home/.Xresources ~/.Xresources
sudo mv ~/.local/bin/eww /usr/bin/eww # IMPORTANT

Now install the Decayce theme, who provides the window decorations lol.

mkdir -p ~/.themes
cp -r ./themes/Decayce ~/.themes

Then the theme should be applied when you login to openbox, if you don't see the window decorations when you login in openbox, see the next.

Install obconf:

sudo xbps-install obconf -y

Then open it:


And select in the GUI Decayce. That should be enough

Make powermenu work

Maybe the powermenu buttons (poweroff and restart) don't work, that's cuz you have to setup doas to get it working (doas cuz i prefer it lol), so just do this (assuming that you're on void linux).

First install doas

sudo xbps-install opendoas -y

Now configure it:

echo 'permit persist :wheel' | sudo tee -a /etc/doas.conf # enables users in the 'wheel' group to elevate privileges.
echo 'permit nopass root' | sudo tee -a /etc/doas.conf # allow root to use doas without passwd.
echo 'permit nopass :wheel cmd poweroff' | sudo tee -a /etc/doas.conf # allow users to use the command 'poweroff' when they are in the group 'wheel' and skip passwd prompt.
echo 'permit nopass :wheel cmd reboot' | sudo tee -a /etc/doas.conf # allow users to use the command 'reboot' when they are in the group 'wheel' and skip passwd prompt.

Done, now the powermenu buttons should work, you can test doas in your shell using commands like this:

doas touch /hello # that just create a file called hello in your /

and the command poweroff and reboot should be called like this:

doas poweroff
doas reboot

and you shouldn't be asked for password.

Gtk Theming

Here are details about my gtk theming:

Eww Don't Work

If the widgets aren't showed when you opened the session, maybe the eww binary doesn't work in your operative system for any reason, you can rebuild it and place it in /usr/bin/eww again.

Here are the steps to do it:

First install the next dependencies in your operative system:

  • rustc
  • cargo (nightly toolchain)

Using rustup is more recommended!

Additionally eww depends on the next dependencies:

  • gtk3 (libgdk-3, libgtk-3)
  • gtk-layer-shell (only on Wayland)
  • pango (libpango)
  • gdk-pixbuf2 (libgdk_pixbuf-2)
  • cairo (libcairo, libcairo-gobject)
  • glib2 (libgio, libglib-2, libgobject-2)
  • gcc-libs (libgcc)
  • glibc

Then just execute the next commands sequence

mkdir -p ~/eww-building && cd ~/eww-building
git clone --depth=1
cd eww
cargo build --release

That could take a some time depending on your internet/pc.

Now you should have available the eww binary, just grab it in /usr/bin/eww after give execution permissions. Here are the commands:

cd target/release
chmod +x ./eww
test -f /usr/bin/eww && sudo rm /usr/bin/eww
sudo mv ./eww /usr/bin/eww


The Desktop


App Launcher


Root Menu




Simple bottom bar


Control Center (dashboard)




Actions Widget


Enjoy ❤️

That's all! Now enjoy with this configuration!

Tips 😎

Some keyboards shortcuts

shortcut meaning
super + shift + return Open rofi
super + b Open firefox
alt + Tab Move Window Focus
super + shift + q Quit Openbox
super + shift + r Restart Openbox
super + w Close window
super + space Toggle floating state

In the most of the cases, exists mouse based keybindings (but i really prefer the shortcuts lol)