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This is a Platform where People can make their Campaign that can be based on anything like Raising money for a Spoon :sweatsmile: This Platform is inspired from Kickstarter but a Decentralized and Distributed version which makes it less prone to any scammer activities.

Technologies Used

Solidity Next JS NodeJS Mocha HTML5 JavaScript

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Table of contents

  1. Usage
  2. Directory Structure
  3. Why CrowdFunding ?
  4. Smart Contract Used
  5. Future Scope


Note: Make sure you have Node.js installed.
Run following commands in your terminal.

git clone
cd CrowdFunding
npm install
npm run dev

Directory Structure

CrowdFunding (Main Project)
│   server.js (Starting point of app)
│   routes.js
└───components (React Components)
│   │   ContributeForm.js
│   │   Header.js
│   │   ...
│   │
│   └───ethereum (Contract, Testing and Deployment of Contract)
│       │   compile.js
│       │   deploy.js
│       │   ...
└───pages (Routing Pages for Next.Js)
|   │   index.js
|   │   ...
└───test (Testing of Contract with Mocha)
    |   Campaign.test.js

Why CrowdFunding ? 😃

At the Kickstarter You can raise funds for your Project (Can create a campaign). People do create campaigns and gets funds by a no. of contributers. The main Problem with this Platform is One can scam others by creating a visual appealing campaign, and can run away with the money raised.

To overcome this Problem, Crowdfunding is a Platform which is distributed and decentralized with a Proper voting system. The Process of raising funding through Crowdfunding is as follows 😉

  • Campaign is created (Manager - The one who creates the campaign) with some minimum contribution set limit.
  • If manager needs funds then H/She have to create a Spending request with address of wallet provided(The address to whom the money of contributers will be sent).
  • Now, Approvers can approve the spending request by voting (Approvers are those who contributed into the campaign with atleast minimum amount)
  • After getting enough approvals (Approvals > TotalApprovals/2) then the money contributed by the contributers till now will get transferred to the provided wallet.

Smart Contract Used

Campaign Factory Campaign Variables Campaign Functions

Future Scope 😊 😊

  • 🚀 Feel free to make this System more robust and You can contact me over my social handles provided above at the top.
  • ✈️ Don't forget to Follow and Give a Star. Peace ✌️


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