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Wayward Souls


Current Version: 0.4.0

Minecraft Version: 1.1.12

Forge Version:

Modpack Author: Alnarra





They say in a more ancient time that there were great and powerful spirits that guided the path of those who walked the square world. That there was a time when the very essence of magic is what controlled the living and the damned. Allow me to be your guide on an adventure to control the very nature of magic itself! We will walk amongst the stars and the depths of all the realms of hell. No land is without our touch! Join me as my apprentice as I teach you... the ways of magic

Wayward Souls is a light Modpack with a focus on teaching newer and younger players the various ways to progress through a number of popular magical mods. The intention is to provide the player with a simple and understandable aesthetic that isn't too cluttered with overlap between the various mods and ensures relative stability and compatibility while trying to also ensure that the various component mods remain up to date in coordination with mod authors.

Inspired by Mage Quest and Minecraft Mage, the idea is to try and leave AS MUCH of the core Minecraft philosophy intact while adding new layers of adventure and difficulty. To help the player along a quest book (Provided through the Better Questing series of mods) is also provided.


Core Mods

- Abyssal Craft
- Astral Sorcery
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- Embers
- Immersive Engineering
- Roots
- Thaumcraft
- Nature's Aura
- Bewitchment
- Arcane Archives
- Wizardry
- The Twighlight Forest
- The Aether

Library Mods

- MTLib
- Chameleon
- Baubles
- AutoRegLib
- GuideAPI
- Forgelin
- libex
- Reborn Core
- Code Chicken Lib
- FTBLib
- Patchouli
- Mystic Lib
- Mystic World

Helper Mods

- Waystones
- Storage Drawers
- Rustic
- Ruins Spawning System
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Quark
- Gravestone Mob
- FastLeafDecay
- Backpacks
- Chisel
- Nature's Compass
- Resurrect Complex
- Battletowers
- NetherEx
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Animania
- EnderZoo
- Reliquery
- Totemic
- Realbench
- Nutrition
- Iron Backpacks
- Soot
- Akashic Tome
- Just Sleep
- Comforts
- Ender Storage
- Iron Chest
- Mystic World
- Charms
- Dynamic Trees

UI Mods

- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
- Just Enough Items
- Just Enough Resouces
- More Overlays
- JourneyMap
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Applieskin
- Better Foliage
- ThaumicJEI
- Mouse Tweaks
- Clumps
- RPG Hud
- FoamFix
- Vanilla Fix

Mod Pack Related

- Resource Loader
- Open Eye
- FTBUtilities
- CustomMainMenu
- Better Questing		
- Standard Expansion
- Better Questing - Quest Book
- CraftTweaker2  
- Morpheus
- ModTweaker
- Loottweaker
- AbyssalCraft Integration
- Dyanmic Trees - Mystical World
- Dynamic Trees - Natur's Aura
- Dynamic Trees - Pam's Harvescraft
- Dynamic Trees - Quark
- Dynamic Trees - Thaumcraft Compat
- Dynamic Trees - The Aether Legacy
- Dynamic Trees - The Twighlight Forest
- Dynamic Trees - Totemic
- Dyanmic Trees - Roots


Patch 0.4.0 - Portals and Destinations

This will add two key mods: The Twighlight Forest and the Aether for those who like to explore other interesting dimensions. My hope is that Dynamic trees and the two dimensions mods adds some interesting exploration while not being too heavy an addition to the modpack (as the dimensions will be loaded in seperate instances).

Mods Added


- The Twighlight Forest
- The Aether


- Dynamic Trees


- Dyanmic Trees - Mystical World
- Dynamic Trees - Natur's Aura
- Dynamic Trees - Pam's Harvescraft
- Dynamic Trees - Quark
- Dynamic Trees - Thaumcraft Compat
- Dynamic Trees - The Aether Legacy
- Dynamic Trees - The Twighlight Forest
- Dynamic Trees - Totemic
- Dyanmic Trees - Roots

Mods Updated


- Mystic World 


- Copper will now only spawn above Y = 20 to allow some of the rarer metals more spawning spots, Copper Max increased to Y = 100 
- Quark Trees told not to spawn (per Dynamic Trees suggestion) 
- Ressurect Complex Told not to generate it's trees 


- Quest Lines  now include an icon to help make them easier to identify 
- Added starting quest line for Twighlight Forest and Aether 

Patch 0.3.4

This is a small patch meant to address issues discovered on the PTR

Mods Updated


- Bewitchment


- Mystical World asked to stop making quartz
- Silk Worms no longer Territorial 
- Silk worms don't drop from leaves nearly as often
- Minor WAILA and RPG-Hud GUI Tweaks 


- A lot of the early game quest have been fixed to be retrieval rather then crafting
- Stovetop is best, reward fixed
- Mix it up, Fixed 
- Rare Earth Metals now ask for the correct amethyst 
- A number of quest were made retrieval rather then crafting
- The snooper booper removed
- Mystical world no longer makes frogs (let quark handle them) or owls (let bewitchment handle them) 


- Runic Shears can now properly shear Animania Horses
- Witchery asked not to add it's other gems to the loot table

Patch 0.3.3

It's been a while since I've been at this right? Well My friends and I were trying to find a modpack that we actually enjoyed. Problematically, we can't find a 1.16.5 version that doesn't either crash or piss us off. As such I have been tasked with updating this one, to at least the the most recent versions in 1.12.2. So here we are. Thus, I am updating the pack.

Modpack Core:

- Forge Updated to

Mods Updated


- Wizardry
- Abysallcraft
- Embers 
- Immersive Engineering
- Bewitchment
- Astral Sorcery
- Arcane Archives
- Roots


- MysticLib
- LibrarianLib
- LibraryEx
- Patchouli
- RebornCore
- FTBLib


- NetherEx
- Animania
- Charm
- MysticWorld
- Storage Drawers
- Rustic
- Soot


- Dynamic Surroundings
- AppleSkin
- RPG Hud
- FoamFix


- Abysallcraft Integration
- BetterQuesting
- FTBUtilities
- Loottweaker
- CraftTweaker2


- Mystical World no longer has the player spawn with a book 
- Disabled Garnet and Opal World Generation by Bewitchment


- Bewitchment Silver plates merged into Embers plates	
- Bewitchment recipies requiring Opal or Garnet had those items replaced with Amerthyst (Cuts down on the clutter) 

Patch 0.3.2 - Hotfix 1

There were some quest in Chapter 1 that were left tied to now removed quest, this hotfix should correct that issues


  • "The coal is [Multipart]", "Diamond in the Ruff" no long requires "Axe Away"
  • "All that glitters is gold", "Dusting off", "Crystal Edge" no longer require "Picking with Iron"
  • "Holy Cow" no longer requires "To battle"
  • "Legends of Mana" no longer requires "Mr. Bucket"

Patch 0.3.2

This is to clean up a few bugs and add a quest chain or two. As a not top Server Owners you will likely get warnings about /fml confirm for a number of Mystical World Items, so this is a notation that that is to be expected. To help cut down on conflicts, a few recipes have been altered (see full list below)

Mods updated


- Roots
- Arcane Archives
- Blood Magic
- Immersive Engineering
- AbyssalCraft


- FTBLib
- MysticLib


- Mystical World
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Charm
- Netherex
- Reborn core
- Storage Drawers
- Animania
- Gravestone


- FTBUtils


- "The wand of the stars" no longer consumes the wand
- "Crystal Rock" should now recognize any Astral Sorcery Rock Crystal
- "Tardis" now a retrieval quest rather then Crafting
- "Magical Storage" now request a resonating table
- "To the Stars" Quest Line Expanded
- New Arcane Archives Questline added
- Quest in "The Basics of the World" have been altered to allow users to see which questlines lead to which mods.


- Charms Bookshelf Chest now properly allows the storage of various modded books
- Mystical World no longer injects items already injected by Embers (Silver / Copper Tools | Ores | etc)
- Quark Stained planks turned off to no longer compete with Rustic Painted Planks
- Quark Block of Charcoal Turned off (already present in Chisel)
- Quark Red Netherbrick Stairs Turned off (Already present in Netherex)
- Quark Quartz walls turned off (Already present in netherex)
- Mystical World Squid drops turned off (Already present and replicated in Pam's Harvestcraft)


- Runic Shears may now be used to shear Animania Cows
- Witchery no longer spawns silver in Chest (Only Embers Silver)
- Witchery Silver now only set to be Embers Silver
- AbyssalCraft iron plate and Immersive Engineering Iron Rod should no longer have conflicting Recipes
- Rustic Stake and Quark Vertical Wooden slabs should no longer be in conflict
- Copper, Lead, Silver, and Aluminum ore can now be used in the starlight infuser
- Animania Milks can now be used in the recipe for the Milk Jar  

Patch 0.3.1

Some cleaning of a few bugs

Mods Updated


- Bewitchment


- Arcane Archives
- Charms


- Rest for the Wicked now properly looks for 1 sleeping bag rather then 0


- Now properly introduces user to 0.3.0 rather then 0.2.0
- Bewitchment now creates Amerthyst (not Mystic LIb)
- Pams Harvestcraft no longer generates Eggplant / Garlic (Bewitchment / Roots have their own version)
- Pams Gardens no longer spread
- Journemyap Server Configuration updated

Patch 0.3.0

This patch introduces a few minor mods to help spice up the world a little bit, it also introduces a new core mod (wizardry), which while I believe is not quite mature compared to the other core mods (save roots and nature's aura) it serves as mature enough to be worth inclusion

Note to take full advantage of both Charms and Wizardry you would need to create a new world or explore new chunks as both introduce world generation.

Mods Removed


- Millénaire

Mods Added


- Wizardry
- Arcane Archives
- Bewitchment


- Charms

Mods Updated


- Roots
- Astral Sorcery
- Abysallcraft


- Reborn Core
- Mysticlib
- MysticWorld
- Libex
- FTBLib
- Code Chicken Lib
- AutoRegLib


- Quark
- Reliquery
- NetherEx
- Enderstorage
- Pam's Harvescraft
- Rustic
- Iron Chest


- Journemyap
- More Overlays


- FTBUtilities
- FTBUtilities Backups
- Abysallcraft Integration


  • Mysticlib no longer generates Silver, this is left top embers rekindled to handle


  • Salt from animania now converts to bewitchment salt

Patch 0.2.2 - Hotfix 2


Minor bugfixes patch

Mods Updated


- FTBLib


- Quark


  • Quest "Something a little different" now request a bed instead of wooden shears
  • Quest "The wand of the Stars" now set as retrieval rather then crafting

Patch 0.2.2 - Hotfix 1


Minor bugfixes patch to clear up some issues

Mods Updated


  • The power of souls should accept any Demonic Will
  • Quest book taken out of edit mode

Patch 0.2.2


This patch introduces the new version of roots that had been long awaited along with a quest series to accompany the new version of the mod

Mods Updated


- Roots


- AutoRegLib
- FTBLib
- Patchouli
- Mystic Lib
- Forgelin


- Cooking for blockheads
- Iron Chest
- Millénaire
- Quark
- Mystic World
- Ruins
- Waystones


- Just enough resource


- Better Questing
- Standard Expansion
- Craftweaker
- FTBUtilities
- Loottweaker


- New chapter "The root of magic" added with ~20 new quest


- The requirement to "Tune" totemics knife has been removed, I just felt likeit was subtractive to the overall modpack

Patch 0.2.1


Small update for a number of bug fixes

Mods Updated


- Astral Sorcery
- Abysallcraft


- FTBLib
- AutoRegLib


- Quark
- Pam's Harvescraft


- Just enough Resouces


- FTB Utilities


- The fond wand now accepts all color combinations


- Immersive Engineering Crusher makes 2 iron grit rather then 1

Patch 0.2.0


This update is intended to add additional quest that will expand upon some of the core magical mods.

Modpack Core:

- Forge Updated to

Mods Added:


- Code Chicken Lib


- Ender Storage
- Iron Chest


- Vanilla Fix

Mods Updated:


Config Changes

- Aybsallcraft no longer generates near as much warp


- Quest: "The Ender Ender" has now been placed in the first chapter to better allow for interaction with Ender Storage and Astral Sorcery
- Ender Storage quest now present in Chapter 2
- None of the request consume anything



Patch 0.1.1 - Hotfix


This is a hotfix to correct for the manifest file being incorrect in the twitch launcher, in addition Embers was updated to it's hotfixed version to correct for an issue with the server side of this modpack crashing

Mods Updated:

Core Mods

- Embers

Patch 0.1.0


This patch will be addressing a number of small issues that are detected with the various quest throughout the book, attempting to squash bugs and adjust rewards as needed. In addition this will also focus on working more towards some server friendly changes (Hence Bed Rolls being removed in favor of comforts / etc.). At this point I am almost 100% set on the mods in place and more then happy with the overall weight and structure of the mod-pack, this simply becomes a polishing matter at this point. At this point I feel it is safe to describe the mod pack as no longer being in alpha but rather in the beta state. Note that several of the mods contained within are unfinished and thus are very much still considered beta (Thaumcraft / Nature's Aura); however, I feel that providing those mods with a pack in which to flourish topples any overarching need to hold the pack back.

Forge has been updated to compensate for requirements by comforts, and though it is not a stable release, in testing I haven't been able to produce any major bugs or issues.

Modpack Core

- Updated to Forge vs Version

Mods Added:


- Reborn Core

Helper Mods

- Just Sleep
- Comforts

Mods Updated:


- Botania
- Embers
- Nature's Aura


- Connected Textures Mod
- AutoRegLib
- Patchouli


- Quark
- storagedrawers
- Millénaire


- Dynamic Surroundings


- FTBUtillities
- FTBLib
- BetterQuesting

Mods Removed

Helper Mods

- Simple Bed Rolls


- Quest which have more then one requirement will now be labeled with "Multipart"
- "Rest for the wicked" has been updated to now reflect the change from Simple Bed Rolls to Comforts
- "Reedy Business" no longer consumes the Reeds
- "Cobble Cobble" reduced from 16 cobble to 8, also now presents players with a choice
- "Handy Keybinds" added to help players
- "420 Blaze it" now has a reward and is possible to complete
- "The Totemic World" now properly hidden
- Added Quest "Oh Honey" to explain Animania Bee Hive
- "New Quest" that was hidden somewhere and popped up on first time world load has been removed.
- "The Ultimate Compass" reset to crafting quest after corrections
- "Let the Ritual... begin" reset to crafting quest after correction
- "Botanical Gardens" should now be completable
- "It's a zoo out there" Should now be completable
- "Dark Secrets" should now be completable
- "Just a little Prick" should now be completable
- Ichor Bucket should now be properly recognized in related quest


- Killing the BattleTowers golems will no longer destroy the tower
- So that the special ability of the nature's Aura axe isn't totally nullified, The config of Quarks that has axes destroy leaves has been set to false
- Panorama Picture for start changed up a bit
- Animania, Thaumcraft, Totemic, AbyssalCraft, Rustic food has been made compatible with cooking for Blockheads

Patch 0.0.7


This particular update is intended to take a more serious look at the quest book and some of the more problematic mods including totemic, abyssalcraft, and roots. The truth is that I wanted to tackle each of these but they all present their own unique difficulties whent it comes to quest surrounding them. As such I've tuned back the modification made to Totemic's central element opting to leave the mod intact. In addition this will begin to work on the abyssalcraft quest line. I will not touch the roots quest line until the newer version of the mod is published.

In addition to that, I will be working to try and include "Out of Character" information for each and every quest. This can include a number of things including why the quest exist in the first place, or how to accomplish the quest (as some can be more difficult to understand then others). I'm MOSTLY settled on the mods that are in place and feel comfortable simply updating them.

As development will now be handled through the twitch interface, you can assume that all mods are updated as updates become available.

This will be created as a new branch of the Github repo to help separate it.

Mods Added:

Core Mods

- Nature's Aura


- Patchouli

Helper Mods

- Millénaire
- Akashic Tome

Mods Updated


- Forgelin

Helper Mods

- Ruins
- Nutrition
- Animania


- Journemyap


- CraftTweaker2
- BetterQuesting
- FTBLib
- FTBUtils

Mods Removed:


- Added Questline for Nature's Aura
- Quest:
	- "The Ultimate Compass" now retrieval vs crafting (Fixes Issue#1)
	- "Let the ritual...begin" now retrieval vs crafting (Fixes Issue#1)
	- "The man with the Golden Ticket" Now correctly associated with Golden Bone Hoe
- Some quest are receiving additional information to help clarify, this process will continue for the next several patches
- Added a quest for Animania's book as well as Akashik Tome


- Animania told not to spawn bee hives
- AbyssalCraft no longer spawns demons when a new world starts up, that seemed rude
- Nature's aura told not to cause random explosions (Don't )


- Animania Hive recipe altered to use Harvestcraft queen bee rather then wild hive 	

Version 0.0.6


This patch is intended to clean up a lot of the chest that were left laying around the world so that there is more consistency among loot (Copper / Tin / etc.) in addition I wanted to make sure each core mod added a bit to the overall loot table to accomodate this chest.zs has been created and the Loottweaker mod installed. In addition it appears I was totally incorrect about Rustic not having support for the condenser, as such we now only have one type of bee in the world and the "Southern" bee has been removed.

The metals have been singled down to a single mod, legacy recipes have been left in place in the event one needs to transition from one to another. (eg immersive engineering copper plates no longer count as copper plates; however, they have a recipe that can convert them directly to ember's copper plates).

Plates have been balanced (including thaumcraft plates) requiring at minimum that you have a hammer from either immersive engineering or embers. In addition Totemic's whittling knife, because of it's ability to craft a small range beacon has had it's recipe reworked to require interacting with the other mods in the pack.

Modpack Core

- Updated to Forge vs Version

Config Changes

- Loading screen made a little more calming
- Turned off rustic bee generation
- Changing loot configuration for Ressurect Complex structures to better reflect loot from the modpack and encourage exploration.
- updated Battletowers loot
- Turned off tin, Uranium, nickel, and few other chisel patterns that weren't relevant to help cut down on texture load times
- turned off limestone generation (Quark already does it).

Mod's Added


	- Forgelin
	- Libex


	- Soot


	- Loottweaker
	- Abyssalcraft Integration

Mod's Updated


	- Abyssalcraft
	- Blood Magic
	- Astral Sorcery
	- Thaumcraft
	- Immersive Engineering
	- Botania


	- Connected Textures Mod
	- FTB Lib
	- AutoRegLib
	- GuideAPI


	- Storage Drawers
	- Rustic
	- Animania
	- Battletowers
	- Chisel
	- Cooking for Blockheads
	- Gravestone Mob
	- NetherEx
	- Quark
	- Reliquery
	- Totemic
	- Rustic
	- Waystones


	- Clumps
	- JEI
	- Just enough Resources
	- Better Foliage
	- Dynamic Surroundings
	- More Overlays
	- Mouse Tweaks
	- ThaumicJEI


	- Crafttweaker
	- Better Questing
	- Standard Expansion
	- FTB Utilities
	- ModTweaker

Mod's Removed


-Altered Ember's copper quest to now focus on lead instead (Also introducing the hammer). 	
-Added a Totemic Questline
-The simplicity of farming now accepts any fruit tree


- Removed the renaming of the rustic bees and simply made it so Harvescraft bee related items would work  
- Unified metal ingots / blocks /  Nuggets / Plates so that all machines only produce one type
- Crusher has chance to make copper instead of nickel with Iron ore.
- Nickel removed in it's entirety (If you have any left feel free to throw it away)
- Fixed loot generation so that there isn't such a wide variety of metals in the chest.
- Balanced all plates in the game to require a hammer and a single ingot (or a stamper / metal press).
- Vaccum tube recipie corrected to use silver instead of nickel

Version 0.0.5


This patch is intended to clean up a lot of the useless underground / ore clutter that was taking place. I noticed that a lot of the ores either utterly didn't serve a purpose, or that they were one off ores that had a single recipie. I've put a lot heavier emphasis on silver as a result. In addition I've added some baseline quest to help players get started on a number of quest.

Infernal mobs was proving during playtesting to be iincredibly frustrating and there was no way I could make use of it without some form of griefing or simply feeling like in the early stages the player would be left hiding for their lives. This behavior was not intended. The Khndrel Keght (Dirt slime) was also removed as it felt like a silly punishment for using a non shovel to clear dirt

With rustic lacking support for Modtweaker in regards to alchemy, it is difficult to clean up the bee issue, and so the "Southern" bees need remain. Embers and Abyssalcraft's lack of support also leaves a few stray recipies here and there.

Totemic has been added as a small support mod because I believe it fit the theme, and realbench is a QoL improvement. Nutrtion is intended to help reward the player

Modpack Core

- Fixed the resource pack not being shipped with the client version (Whoopsie daisy)

Config Changes

- Turned off Tomato / Chili Pepper generation for Harvestcraft (so Rustic can handle them)
- Turned of RPG Hud Compass and Entity inspect
- Toned down Abysallcraft biome generation by half (this should be as low as it can possibly go)
- Turned off Khndrel Keght (Dire slime) from enderzoo
- Turned off Bronze, Nickel from Embers
- Turned off Thaumcraft Quartz Generation (Embers makes more then enough).
- Turned off Uranium Ore generation
- Prevented market from selling animals that can't spawn

Mod's Added


	- Totemic
	- Realbench
	- Nutrition

Mods Updated


	- Abyssal Craft
	- Astral Sorcery


	- AutoRegLib
	- FTBLib


	- Reliquery
	- Quark


	- JEI
	- Clumps


	- FTBUtilities

Mod's Removed


	- B.A.S.E


	- Infernal Mobs


- Added images for quest booklet
- Made a number of small updates to try and correct issues with the quest booklet
- Added 100+ Quest to help the player begin to settle in
- Bug where quest book was sent in edit mode should now be corrected
- Numerous quest updated / rewards changed / etc.


- Removed Uranium from JEI / Recipies where possible
- Removed Tin from JEI / Recipies where possible
- Removed Mithril from JEI
- Removed Constantan from JEI / Recipies where possible
- Substituded Electrum for the two recipie which requires Constantan
- Substituded Silver in the off chance that Tin is neede din Abyssalcraft
- Changed Apple Juice recipie to not drop apple seeds
- Removed references to Pam's Grapes / Tomatoes / Chilli Peppers


- Github profile page updated.

Version 0.0.4

Core Changes

- Forge Updated to

Config Changes

- Shoggoths are no longer allowed to spawn outside of their little lairs
- Told immersive engineering excavators not to mine up immersive engineering ores because I think they're ugly
- Turned Harvestcraft bee's back on
- Told Chisel to turn off it's overwold Basalt Generation

Mods Added


- Blood Magic


- GuideAPI


- Nature's compass
- Reliquery


- Thaumic JEI
		* Thaumic JEI seems obvious in retrospect

Mods Updated


-Astral Sorcery




-Iron Backpacks
-Cooking for Blockheads


-Foamfix (now Lawful)
-Dyanmic Surroundings

Modpack Related

-Standard Expansion
-Better questing

Mods Removed




-Ice and Fire
	* Ice and Fire / LLibrary were both demonstrating unwanted behaviors, in addition while they added fauna to the game, they didn't integrate as well as I would have liked with the overall nature of the game.


-Fixed a key quest to allow players to progress through the main quest chain
-Added a number of other quest in a new chapter called advance, to help walk the players through growing netherwart, chest, and the like.


- The rustic bees now have a southern twang to them to make them easier to identify
- Added Basalt variations to Chisel so you can switch back and forth if you so deisre.

Version 0.0.3

Core Changes

- Forge updated to

Config Changes

- Lowered Overall Fire / Ice structuer spawn chance
- Made the world more resilliant to Shoggoth's
- Made Ooze a little less tainty
- Turned off Dynamic Surroundings overlays, more overlays does it better
- Made Infernal Mobs slightly less annoying
- turned off bee generation on the Pam's side
- Scripted in a cross over recipie for honeycomb
- Told Battletowers to cool it out on generation of structures
- Player now starts with a simple quest book

Updated All mods to their most recent builds

Mods Added


- Thaumcraft 6 [Because DUH]




- Resurect Complex
- Battletowers
- NetherEx
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Animania
- Ice and Fire
- Infernal Mobs


- Mouse Tweaks
- Clumps
- RPG Hud
- FoamFix

Modpack Related

- Better Questing		
- Standard Expansion
- Better Questing - Quest Book
- Morpheus
- ModTweaker

Mods Removed


- Wizardry (Feels incomplete)


- AppleCore (Would only be needed if I wanted to futz with food values and I don't)
- Malisis Core


- Backpacks
- Malisis Door
- Malisis Blocks
- Openblocks Elevator
- Simple Camp Fire
- Elevators


- By making use of Better questing the first chapter for the modpack has been added including almost 40 quest to help the player on the path to exploring all of the game's core mods.

Version 0.0.2

Core Changes

-Version Set to 12.2.2
-Forge Version Set to 1.12.2- (Custom)

Config Changes

- Chisel told not to generate Marble

Mods Added

- Malisis Door
- Malisis Blocks
- Chisel

Mods Updated


- Botania
- AbyssalCraft
- Immersive Engineering
- Astral Sorcery
- Roots 2
- Embers


- AutoRegLib
- Applecore
- MTLib
- FTB Lib


- Backpacks
- Openblocks Elevator
- Storage Drawers
- Waystones
- Enderzoo (Was causing Server side crashes)
- Gravestone Mod
- Quark
- Rustic
- Roguelike Dungeons


- Journemyap
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
- AppleSkin

Modpack Related

- FTB Utils
- Custom main Menu
- Craftweaker 2
- Resource Loader

Version 0.0.1

Config Changes

- Decreased Abyssal craft biome Creation from 5 in 100 to 2 in 100
- Prevented Immersive engineering from spawning ore that Embers spawns
- Prevented Quark from spawning Marble
- Turned off Warp / Home commands in FTBUtils
- Turned off Gravestone's Death Note
- Disabled Waystone XP Requirement

Scripting Alterations

- added aestetic.zs


WayWard Souls Repository







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