Welcome! This is my work from University of "Babes-Bolyai" from Cluj, Romania. This includes homework & extra projects that I have made for the university. To see the code for an assignment, just select what subject you are interested in, and then select the assignment (ex: Data Structures and Algorithms -> ADT Matrix and you have the code there)
📕 Semester 1
- Algebra - python
- Computational Logic - python
- Computer System Architecture - assembly
- Fundamentals of programming - python
📗 Semester 2
- Data Structures and Algorithms - c++
- Dyamical Systems - maple
- Geometry - maple
- Graphs - python/c++
- Object-Oriented-Programming - c/c++
- Operating Systems - c
📙 Semester 3
- Advanced programming methods - java
- Databases - sql
- Computer Networks - c/python
- Functional and logical programming - prolog/lisp
- Probabilities and Statistics - octave/matlab
📘 Semester 4
- Software Engineering (ISS) - teamwork: angular + spring
- Web Development - angular + php/jsp/asp.net
- Artificial Intelligence
- MPP - not yet pushed
📓 Semester 5
📚 Semester 6
- Design Patterns
- Game Development
- Bachelor Thesis
- 🥇 Semester 1
- 🥈 Semester 2
- 🥉 Semester 3
- 🏁 Semester 4