This documentation will cover how to correctly generate synthesized images for training neural-networks
Requirements: OpenCV, Python(currently using 3.5.2), Java(currently using 1.8.0_101)
- *The python file takes in the following parameters: 1. number of outputs 2. stain level(float:1-5) 3. text noisiness level(float:1-5)
*And performs the following actions:
1.Generates the XML file, which then gets run by using the following command using DivaDid: java -jar DivaDid.jar data_generator_script.xml Running this script will generate synthesized degraded documents(in "data/outputs") 2.Generates the blank images(in "data/blank_bgs/") with the sizes matching the randomly chosen background images, which will be used to generate ground truths files(in "data/ground_truths") 3. Generates another XML file named "match_generator_script.xml", which gets run by using the following command: java -jar DivaDid.jar match_generator_script.xml This command performs the same actions as the "data_generator_script.xml", except it's on the corresponding blank backgrounds, right after this, you should run: python to finish generating the ground truth images which are in "data/ground_truths".
*To specify the paths for the folders containing your word images, edit paths in "paths/word_image_folder_paths.txt", putting word folders in "data/input_words" is recommended.
*To specify the paths for the folders containing your background images, edit paths in "paths/word_bg_folder_paths.txt", putting background folders in "data/input_bgs" is recommended.
*To specify the paths for the folders containing your stain patches, edit paths in "paths/stain_folder_paths.txt", putting stain image folders in "data/stains" is recommended.
*The python file also takes in the text noisiness level and apply a series of transformations to each randomly chosen word. The transformed images are located at "data/transformed_words".
- *For convenience, this file clears all the images in "data/blank_bgs/", "data/ground_truths", "data/outputs" and "data/transformed_words". So user can regenerate images without having to hand-delete the images before.
- *This python file converts the DivaDid version of the ground truth to black & white. Since the raw images created by command "java -jar DivaDid.jar match_generator_script.xml" are not black & white. All the ground truth files are in "data/ground_truths"
Example: To generate 5 synthesized images with stain level = 1 and text noisiness level = 1, run:
python 5 1 1
java -jar DivaDid.jar data_generator_script.xml
To generate the corresponding ground-truth
java -jar DivaDid.jar match_generator_script.xml
Repeat the process to generate more images with different parameters.