The "Duplicates" is a tool for convenient duplicate file removal. "Duplicates" is a wrapper over excellent duplicate search tool ""
It can list duplicates. It prints duplicated files sorted by the size and number of clones.
It can remove duplicates when --purge flag provided. The original (single copy) always preserved.
Note: if --purge flag provided, MacOS ".DS_Store" files and all empty directories deleted in --work (but not in --golden).
It can search duplicates in two separate directories as in one; however, it removes duplicates only from one (--work) and changes nothing in other (--golden). Even if --purge flag provided, golden directory never changed.
Removing duplicates from a specified directory and keeping a "golden" files collection intact (even if there are duplicates there too). For example, remove duplicated photos on a flash drive and not changing your existing photos library.
Or having multiple directories that you want to clean up. However, there is one master folder that you don't want to mess with.
The "Duplicates" removes files only in the working directory (always keep one copy if all duplicates under the work folder). The golden directory used to search for duplicates; however, no files deleted there.
Find and print duplicates (sorted by file size - largest first). Nothing deleted/ changed
duplicates --work work
Remove duplicates under the folder (keep one copy only)
duplicates --work work --purge
Search for duplicates in both folders as in one but remove duplicated files from need_cleanup only. Nothing modified in never_change_me
duplicates --work need_cleanup --golden never_change_me --purge
usage: duplicates [-h] [-v] [-g GOLDEN] -w WORK [-p]
Finds duplicates in both `work` and `golden` folders.
If --purge flag set,
Only the duplicates that are in `work` folder are removed.
Keeps an oldest duplicate file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose display debug info
-g GOLDEN, --golden GOLDEN
(optional) path to the folder where duplicates will be
searched though this folder will be unchanged
-w WORK, --work WORK work folder that will be stripped from the duplicates
found in both itself and `golden`
-p, --purge purge/ delete extra files from `work` folder. If all
copies are under work, single (with oldest
modification time) file will be preserved. All
duplicates in golden also preserved/skipped.
Get the source code, go to duplicates directory and run
git clone
cd duplicates
python install
python test
python3 test
python3 -h
- Allow multiple work directories at the same time