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Simplest Configuration Using Default Project

poikniok edited this page Nov 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

This document describes the quickest way to start working with JHelper!

  • Install Clion.
  • Go to the jhelper-example-project and download it to your computer. Put the unzipped folder in the location that you would like your Clion project to exist. ]
  • Open Clion and select “Open”. Select the jhelper-example-project from the path where you saved it in the prior step. At the bottom of your window you should see the event log panel which should say “Plugins Suggestion: Plugin supporting feature … is currently not installed” (if you do not see this panel go to View -> Tool Windows -> Event Log to view it). Click “Configure plugins... “ here, which will prompt you to install the JHelper plugin, click “Ok” and “Accept” to do this. Clion will prompt you to restart Clion to activate the plugin, do this.
  • Add icons of actions to menu or toolbar. Go to File-Settings-Appearance & Behavior-Menus and Toolbars-Main Toolbar. Click the + button to add a seperator, then click + and then select Add Action - Plug-ins - JHelper and select all 6 icons at once by holding shift and clicking top and then bottom icons, then Ok, Ok to complete adding icons. Make the toolbar visible to see the icons. View - Appearance - ToolBar
  • Now to run the example “Task.cpp” that is already present select in the run dropdown, which may initially say “Build All | Debug”, select the “Task” entry in the dropdown. After that click the green arrow pointing to the right to run the task. At this point you should see the output of the task being successfully run.

This completes the basics of setting up JHelper quickly, from here go to the Browser extension wiki page to quickly add tasks from Codeforces, and familiarize yourself with the 6 buttons for the JHelper extension.

Note: If you accidentally delete your task, do not worry, the source code is easily recoverable right clicking your “jhelper-example-project” directory and selecting Local History - Show History, your source code will be right there.

As a next step to add the spcppl library go to the Using Spcppl Library page.