Package to annotate proteins based on blastp against the KEGG database.
- This software has been tested with the April 2013 version of the KEGG database. Using any other version of KEGG is not expected to work without code changes.
- This software is also provided as is and will most likely not receive any further updates.
python install
usage: keggannot_genes2ko [-h] [-v] [-V] [-m] [kegg_dir] [blast_file]
Annotate proteins with KEGG BLAST results
positional arguments:
kegg_dir KEGG data directory (default: None)
blast_file Tabular blast results file (default: None)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print version to STDOUT (default: False)
-V, --verbose Verbose logging output (default: False)
-m, --module Only use hits with a defined module (default: False)
The following files should be available in the KEGG data directory:
genes/ko/ko_genes.list genes/ko/ko_module.list genes/ko/ko_pathway.list
genes/ko/ko_enzyme.list genes/ko/ko module/module pathway/pathway
The kegg_dir argument should point to a copy of the KEGG data directory that contains the following files
- genes/ko/ko_genes.list
- genes/ko/ko_module.list
- genes/ko/ko_pathway.list
- genes/ko/ko_enzyme.list
- genes/ko/ko
- module/module
- pathway/pathway
The blast_file argument should be the result of a blastp agains the KEGG protein database. Format of the file should be either blast+ -outfmt 6 or -outfmt 7 (tabular without or with comments).
By default, output shows KO annotations for query sequences. If the best hit did not have a KO annotation, hits farther down the list are checked until a hit is found with KO. When -m is used, the same rules apply except the first hit with a module annotation is used. This is useful when summarizing results by module class level 3. Often the first KO annotation for a given query does not have a module defined, but KOs for later hits may have modules. While the specific annotations for these later hits may not be as accurate as the best hit with a KO, the level 3 module class annotation is often good enough.