Interface with a StorkAir WHR930 on Domoticz
Publish every 10 seconds the status on a MQTT Domoticz/in topic Listen on MQTT topic for commands to set the ventilation level
Version 0.8 by albert[@]hakvoort[.]co
[based on code from Mosibi]
todo :
- set bypass temperature
- check on faulty messages
- serial check
The following packages are needed:
sudo apt-get install python3-serial python3-pip python3-yaml
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
Add the following dummy Devices in Domoticz :
OutsideAirTemp # temperature
SupplyAirTemp # temperature
ReturnAirTemp # temperature
ExhaustAirTemp # temperature
IntakeFanSpeed # text
ExhaustFanSpeed # text
IntakeFanRPM # text
ExhaustFanRPM # text
IntakeFanActive # text
FanLevel # text
Filter # text
Selector # selector 0=auto 10=away 20=low 30=middle 40=high !! Depends on model/CO2 sensor etc !!
After installing the dependencies, clone this repository and modify the settings in src/ and run sudo make install.
$ git clone
$ vi src/
$ sudo make install
edit the and fill the IDX's, serialport and MQTTserver address.
- SerialPort='/dev/YPort' # Serial port WHR930
- MQTTServer='' # IP MQTT broker
To test if everything is working fine :
python3 /usr/local/bin/
To start the whr930 as service :
$ sudo systemctl start whr930.service