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Heart Disease Prediction

This repository contains a project that predicts the presence of heart disease using various machine learning algorithms. The project uses a dataset that contains several health metrics to train models and evaluate their performance.

Project Overview

This project aims to predict whether a person has heart disease based on features such as age, sex, cholesterol level, resting blood pressure, and more. We use a combination of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and machine learning algorithms to evaluate the prediction accuracy.

The models implemented include:

  • Random Forest Classifier
  • Gradient Boosting Classifier
  • Decision Tree Classifier

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • Pandas: for data manipulation
  • NumPy: for numerical computations
  • Matplotlib: for data visualization
  • Seaborn: for plotting heatmaps and data correlations
  • Scikit-learn: for machine learning model implementation


The dataset used in this project is the heart disease dataset. It contains features such as:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Chest pain type (cp)
  • Resting blood pressure (trestbps)
  • Cholesterol (chol)
  • Maximum heart rate achieved (thalach)
  • and others...

The target variable (target) is binary:

  • 0: No Heart Disease
  • 1: Heart Disease

Exploratory Data Analysis

We performed EDA to understand the distribution of the data and visualize the correlations between various features. Key graphs and plots include:

  • Bar plot showing distribution of patients with and without heart disease.
  • Histograms of categorical and continuous variables based on the target label.
  • Correlation heatmap of features.

Machine Learning Models

We implemented three machine learning models to predict heart disease:

  1. Random Forest Classifier: A robust ensemble method using decision trees.
  2. Gradient Boosting Classifier: An advanced boosting algorithm for better accuracy.
  3. Decision Tree Classifier: A simple tree-based model.

We applied normalization and one-hot encoding to preprocess the data and used a train_test_split to create training and testing sets.

Model Evaluation

For each model, we evaluated performance using the following metrics:

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1 Score
  • Confusion Matrix

The model scores were visualized in a bar plot, comparing the training and testing accuracy for all models.

User Data Simulation

The project also generates user-specific data for predictions, simulating health metrics for new patients. The Random Forest classifier was trained on this simulated data with a test accuracy of around 50%.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the notebook or script to train the models and view results.


Accuracy Comparison (Iteration 1)

Model Training Accuracy % Testing Accuracy %
Random Forest Classifier 85.25% 81.82%
Gradient Boosting Classifier 86.84% 84.09%
Decision Tree Classifier 78.69% 75.00%

Accuracy Comparison (Iteration 2)

Model Training Accuracy % Testing Accuracy %
Random Forest Classifier 79.31% 75.00%
Gradient Boosting Classifier 82.47% 81.82%
Decision Tree Classifier 74.07% 70.45%


ML Minor Project






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