This is a Cool Superhero Image website. Select a Superhero name from the list and click on search superhero to get cool image of superheros. And for more information about that superhero click on the image.
- You can search superheros by there name
- You can get there information by clicking on the inage
- You can add superhero images to your favourites page by clicking on add afviourite button.
To show superhero images on this website i used a superhero image api which is given in the links. I fetched the images according to there name and then added them to my webpage.
- HTML5 -for creating the layout of the page.
- CSS -for designing the page.
- Bootstrap -for designing the page.
- JavaScript -for adding various functionalities to the page.
- For deploying this website online i used github. I hosted this website github and here is the link of the website superheroimages.
- You can contribute in the designing of the website so that it can look better.
© Akshay Panchal , Computer Science Engg.
- Thanks to superhero Api website by using which i am able to comlete this project.