A third party Telegram client library danog/MadelineProto wrapper for Laravel.
Add the laravel-madeline-proto to the project dependency:
composer require akostdev/laravel-madeline-proto
Then publish the madeline-proto.php
config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AkostDev\LaravelMadelineProto\MadelineProtoServiceProvider"
Set up the Telegram API key by providing env variables:
MP_TELEGRAM_API_ID=... //your telegram api id here
MP_TELEGRAM_API_HASH=... //your telegram api hash here
This wrapper package is still not wrapping all the apis yet, I'm still focusing on wrapping the messages api.
If you can't find the method that you want in Messages facade or need to use the default danog/MadelineProto api, you might want to use
facade method. It will returndanog\MadelineProto\API
object where you can call all the method provided by the danog/MadelineProto library.