Akhila podilapu5 patch 3 #4
Dependabot / .github/dependabot.yml
Jun 18, 2024 in 1s
Your .github/dependabot.yml contained invalid details
Dependabot encountered the following error when parsing your .github/dependabot.yml
The property '#/updates/0/package-ecosystem' value "java" did not match one of the following values: npm, bundler, composer, devcontainers, maven, mix, cargo, gradle, nuget, gomod, docker, elm, gitsubmodule, github-actions, pip, terraform, pub, swift
The property '#/updates/0/schedule' contains additional properties ["branches"] outside of the schema when none are allowed
The property '#/updates/1/schedule' contains additional properties ["branches"] outside of the schema when none are allowed
Please update the config file to conform with Dependabot's specification.
For more info on the config file format, see the config file documentation