> Learning new things
Also anime lover 🌟, manga reader ❄ and like to play videogames 🎮 (This is my My desktop)
🎲 More about me
- 🎮 I like to play video games in my free time.
- ⭐ I like to learn a little bit of everything.
- 🎶 I love listening to music. I can't do anything if i'm not listening to something.
- 🎞 I love watching anime, I usually watch it daily. Also, I like reading manga.
- 🖥 Also, I spend a lot of time on Discord. I like watching random people's streams
- 📫 I'm currently looking for things to do. If you need anything, you can Reach me.

"Sei nicht traurig, bald ist es Nacht,
Da sehn wir über dem bleichen Land
Den kühlen Mond, wie er heimlich lacht,
Und ruhen Hand in Hand.
Sei night trauig, bald kommt die Zeit,
Da haben wir Ruh. Unsre Kreuzlein stehen
Am hellen Straßenrande zu zweit,
Und es regnet un schneit,
Und die Winde kommen und gehen."
"Auf Wanderung" | Hermann Hesse