Simple todo app to show how to use with Phrase In-Context-Editor.
Follow these easy steps to install and start the app:
First, install the gems required by the application:
Next, execute the database migrations/schema setup:
bundle exec rake db:setup
Use the Rails generator to add a phraseapp_in_context_editor.rb
bundle exec rails generate phraseapp_in_context_editor:install --access-token=<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN> --project-id=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
If you don't have a Phrase account yet, you can use the demo account credentials to get started:
Start the Rails app to see the In-Context-Editor added to the To-Do application. You're ready to localize your app:
bundle exec rails server
You can find your app now by pointing your browser to http://localhost:3000. If everything worked you can log into In-Context Editor with your Phrase user account or the demo login credentials:
User: [email protected]
Password: phrase
In-Context-Editor is a great way to start translating your application. All translations you enter will be stored directly in Translation Center, the backend software for all Phrase projects. Log in with your demo credentials to see all possibilities for your new translation management: Translation Center
Want to know more? Check our documentation!