The idea came from the many enthusiastic forums about wine, beer, cigars, weed, etc. and we felt the need for a forum about the brown gold was much needed. Here you get all snus-enthusiasts around the world in the same forum where they can share snus recipes, discuss their favourite snuses in our forum posts and much more!
This application was built with:
- Frontend
- backend Backend
- Clone this repo
- cd into the frontend folder
npm install
If you have access to deploy frontend to surge, accept the invite first and then follow these instructions:
- cd into the frontend folder
npm install --global surge
npm run-script build && cd build && cp index.html 200.html && surge --domain .
Next time you will deploy to surge:
- cd into the frontend folder
npm run-script deploy
The page is deployed to
- If not already done; clone this repo
- cd into the backend folder
docker run --rm \
-u “$(id -u):$(id -g)” \
-v $(pwd):/opt \
-w /opt \
laravelsail/php80-composer:latest \
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
- Rename ".env-example" to ".env"
- Generate base key
.vendor/bin/sail up
.vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
- Open the application at localhost:80
- If Laravel gives error that you are missing a key, click the generate button
./vendor/bin/sail exec mysql bash
show databases;
CREATE USER 'sail'@'172.**.0.7' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'sail'@'172.**.0.7';
./vendor/bin/sail composer require tymon/jwt-auth --ignore-platform-reqs
./vendor/bin/sail artisan jwt:secret
Command | Description |
/snuses | ger alla snuser och dess snittbetyg. benämnt snuses |
/snuses/{id} | ger alla data om en snus baserat på id. benämnt snus |
/reviews | ger alla reviews. benämnt reviews |
/reviews/{id} | ger all data om en review baserat på id. benämnt review |
/store-review | sparar en review, vill ha följande data -snuses_id -body -rating (går även att lägga till title om så önskas) |
/delete-comments/{id} | tar bort en comment baserat på dess id |
/store-comments | sparar en comment, vill ha följande data |
/comments/{id} | ger all data om en comment. benämnt comment |
/comments | ger alla comments. benämnt comments |
/flavours/{id} | ger all data om en flavour. benämnt flavour |
/flavours | ger alla flavours. benämnt flavours |
/categorys/{id} | ger all data om en category. benämnt category |
/categorys | ger alla categorys. benämnt categorys |
/delete-posts/{id} | tar bort en post baserat på dess id |
/store-posts | sparar en post, vill ha följande data |
/posts/{id} | ger all data om en post baserat på id. benämnt post |
/posts | ger alla posts. benämnt posts |
/delete-review/{id} | tar bort en specifik review baserat på dess id |
/favourites | returns a list of all favourites available |
/favourites/{userID} | returns a list of specified users favourites |
/store-favourites | saves a flavour to logged in users favourites req: flavourID |
/delete-favourites/{id} | tar bort en favorite baserat på dess id |
/user-profile | Ger all data om den inloggade usern. benämnt user |
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
- A admin panel for strict CRUD operations such as adding/deleting snuses to the database, removing users posts and comments if vaiolation occurs. Right now all users can use CRUD wich is not safe!
- Match favourite snus flavours and get recommendations on other snus brands that fits the users taste.
- Rating on stores that sells snus and if it's not an online store, where they are located.
- Ability for companys to market on the site.
- Adebayo Ajayi
- Alex Bierhance
- Anna Paajarvi
- Emanuel Popa
- Henrik Frohm
- Otto Reimers
- Pernilla Hällgren
- Viktor Pavlov
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Project Link: