The Final Year Project that I made for my Trinity College BA (Hons) in Computer Science with Dr Fergal Shevlin as my supervisor
The Project is in two parts: Dungeon Sprawl, which is an Android App which has basic gameplay, and Dungeon Edit, which is a java program that creates levels for Dungeon Sprawl The code for each part of the project is in the Code subfolder, whilst examples of the compiled apps are in the "Compiled Apps" Subfolder A Full Writeup of the Project is in the FYP Writeup file
Note that the Levels.json file used by the Dungeon Sprawl App to store the data of levels is set when the App is compiled, and is not able to be updated without recompiling the application. It can be found in the "./Code/DungeonSprawl/app/src/main/assets" folder. The file can be edited manually or by using the DungeonEdit jar.