This is an image processing application implemented in C++ with a Qt desktop interface. The application offers various functionalities related to image manipulation and analysis.
The application provides the following features:
- Adding different types of noise to images:
- Salt and Pepper noise
- Uniform noise
- Gaussian noise
- Applying different filters:
- Average filter
- Gaussian filter
- Median filter
- Edge detection using:
- Sobel edge detector
- Roberts edge detector
- Prewitt edge detector
- Canny edge detector
- Drawing histograms and distribution curves for uploaded images
- Image equalization and normalization
- Local and global thresholding
- plotting RGB histograms with cumulative curves
- [x]Frequency domain filtering:
- Ideal Low Pass filter (smoothing)
- Ideal High Pass filter (sharpening)
- Creating hybrid images
To run the project, you need:
C++ compiler Qt framework OpenCV library Run the Project
Team Members' Names |
Ahmed Kamal |
Amgad Atef |
Mahmoud Magdy |
Mahmoud Mohamed |