API backend for tracking mobile device with slack
- The bot should be in #general.
- All respond should be public in #general.
- with heroku server.
/DeviceCheckout [device ID]
- Respond: “@username checkout device [device ID]”
- Push "Device [device ID] check out by @username" to the oringal channel
- Respond: a list of all Device ID | Device Name | Ownership
/DeviceReg [device ID]
- Respond: “[Device ID] / [Device Name] registered and own by @username”
/DeviceDereg [Device ID] [reason]
- Respond: “[Device ID] / [Device Name] de-registered by @username”
/DeviceAudit [Device iD]
- Respond: Show the list of last 20 register / deregister / own actions
- python 3.5
- Mysql
- Set up Slack command https://api.slack.com/
setup your command token, slack_url, sqlalchemy_url, port in config.ini
open a new vm with python 3.5
python3.5 setup.py develop
install requirement with
pip install freeze
setup DB with alembic by
alembic -c config.ini upgrade head
pserver config.ini