You wish you could keep on studying while working all day long on your PC? Autolearn is here for you!
This simple plugin will make Anki appear in foreground at a customizable time interval, to have you study every now and then. As soon as you answered a card, Anki will vanish and let you work, only to appear some minutes later with a fresh new one.
You can install this add-on just like any other regular add-on.
First, clone this repo, then open Anki, go to Tools > Add-ons > View files
to check the directory where add-ons are installed, and finally copy (or better, make a symlink) the src
directory into the add-ons directory.
The configuration of this add-on is plain simple and straightforward.
You'll find in the Tools
menu a Autolearn
line, that will open a simple dialog.
There, you can set up the delay between two appearances from Anki.
That's it!