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How to define a Q map with pyXpcsViewer

Qingteng Zhang edited this page May 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Create a mask by importing a blemish file or masks from other files

.. image:: docs/figures/mask_files.png

Create a mask by drawing on the scattering pattern.

.. image:: docs/figures/mask_draw.png

Set a threshold to make the scattering image binary.

.. image:: docs/figures/mask_binary.png

Manually set the the coordinates of bad pixels on the area detector. This can be done in 3 ways now. 1. import from a file (either CSV or white space separated). 2. mannaul input the coordinates. 3. use the mouse the double clicke the bad pixels. Other pixels with similar counts can also be selected.

.. image:: docs/figures/mask_manual.png

Some bad pixels can be hard to detect. By doing azimuthal grouping, we can compute the statistics of photon counts on the pixels that have similar momentum transfer. The pixels that deviate from the average more than the cutoff will be masked out.

.. image:: docs/figures/mask_outlier.png

Create a qmap partition for SAXS and XPCS analysis.

.. image:: docs/figures/qpartition.png

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