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POPROW Scripts Repo

#                                   WARNING                                    #

The documentation, as well as the scripts, are still being written and refined. Please be aware that they might be incomplete.

Testbed Resource Allocation

This section summarizes the steps required for reserving resources on the remote testbeds. Currently the following testbeds are supported: TWIST and w.iLab1.

The instruction reported below have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Omni tool

The Omni command line tool is required to perform operations on the remote testbeds. Supported operations include querying for testbed status/available resources, allocating/releasing resources (slices) and creating/deleting experiments.

Omni software dependencies

On ubuntu, in order to install the omni's software dependencies run the following command:

sudo apt install python-m2crypto python-dateutil python-openssl libxmlsec1 \
    xmlsec1 libxmlsec1-openssl libxmlsec1-dev autoconf

For other operating systems take a look at the official wiki page

Omni installation

In order to install omni, executes the following commands:

cd /tmp
wget -O gcf-2.10.tar.gz
tar xvfz gcf-2.10.tar.gz
cd geni-tools-2.10
sudo make install

Verify that omni has been installed correctly by executing omni --version. This command should print something that resembles the following:

omni: GENI Omni Command Line Aggregate Manager Tool Version 2.10
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Raytheon BBN Technologies

Omni configuration file

The omni_config file provided in this repository is a template of the omni configuration file. Before running any other omni command, this template file must be modified in order to adapt it to the local host environment.

First of all, we assume that the user running the omni commands has a valid iMinds Authority account. We also assume that the user's public and private keys associated with the iMinds Authority account are located in ~/.ssh/twist.cert and ~/.ssh/twist.prk respectively (the private key MUST NOT be encrypted openssl rsa -in -out ssl.key).

The users whose public keys will be installed on the testbed's nodes are listed (comma separated list) in the value of the users key in the omni section. For each user listed in the users key, there is a corresponding section (named after the user name) containing the specific configuration for that particular user. For example, in the current template configuration file one of the user is segata, and the corresponding configuration section looks like this:

urn =
keys = ~/src/ansible-poprow/

The value of the field keys must be modified to point to the public key of the user segata (which is included in this repository as If we assume that this repository has been cloned in /home/poprow/poprow-scripts, then the keys value must be modified to look as follows:

keys = /home/poprow/poprow-scripts/

This process must be repeated for each user listed in the omni_config file.

In case you need to add a new user, these are the required steps: 1) append the new user name in the comma separated list of the users key in the omni section; 2) add the user public key to the repository; 3) add to the omni_config file a new section for the new user; 4) commit and push the new omni_config template and the public key of the new user.

SSH Configuration files

In order to be able to connect to the TWIST and w.iLab1 testbeds you must modify the corresponding ssh configuration files (twist-ssh.cfg and wilab1-ssh.cfg) and copy them in ~/.ssh/.

In twist-ssh.cfg you must modify the following values:

  • IdentityFile in sections Host and Host tplink nuc to point to your iMinds Authority account's public key.

  • User in section Host tplink nuc to match your user name.

In wilab1-ssh.cfg you must modify the following values:

  • IdentityFile in sections Host and Host nuc to point to your iMinds Authority account's public key.

  • User in sections Host and Host nuc to match your user name.

  • ProxyCommand in section Host nuc to use your user name.

RSPEC generation

RSPEC files (extension .rspec) are XML files that describes which nodes to allocate in a given testbed. For the TWIST and w.iLab1 testbeds the .rspec files can be generated automatically using the script. The script supports the following command line parameters:

  • -t (--testbed): specifies which testbed the RSPEC will be generated for. Use twist for the TWIST testbed and wilab for w.iLab1;

  • -f (--filter): comma separated list of node name prefixes. Only the available nodes whose name starts with one of the specified prefixes are inserted in the generated RSPEC. By default all the available nodes are used for generating the RSPEC file.

  • -n (--nodes): comma separated list of node names. Only the available nodes whose name is listed with the -n option are inserted in the RSPEC file. By default all the available nodes are used. The -n option takes precedence over -f.

For example, an RSPEC containing all the available nodes in the TWIST testbed can be generated with the following command:

./ -t twist > twist_all.rspec

Instead, an RSPEC containing all the nuc nodes in the TWIST testbed can be generated with the following command:

./ -t twist -f nuc > twist_nuc.rspec

Finally, an RSPEC containing only nuc4 and nuc6 from the TWIST testbed can be generated with the following command:

./ -t twist -n nuc4,nuc6 > twist_nuc_4_6.rspec

Note that, in any case, a node is inserted in the RSPEC only if it is available in the moment the command is executed. For this reason the suggested best practice is to execute just before allocating the resources using the command.

Resource allocation

The command can be use to allocate nodes specified in an .rspec file and to release resources previously allocated. The command supports the following parameters:

  • -t (--testbed): specifies in which testbed to allocate the nodes. The testbed specified here must match the testbed used in the .rspec file specified with the parameter -f. Use twist for the TWIST testbed and wilab for w.iLab1;

  • -d (--duration): it's an integer value that specifies how many hours the nodes will be reserved for. The minimum value currently supported is 3.

  • -s (--name): specifies the name that identify the experiment. Every experiment whose allocation time overlaps must have a unique name.

  • -f (--rspec): specifies the path to the .rspec file generated with the command.

By default allocate the resources specified in the .rspec file. The same command can be used also to release previously allocated resources using the -r (--release) parameter.

For example, an experiment called poprowexp1 that allocates in the TWIST testbed the nodes specified in the file twist_nuc_4_6.rspec for 4 hours can be created with the following command:

./ -t twist -d 4 -n poprowexp1 -f twist_nuc_4_6.rspec

Instead, the resources allocated in poprowexp1 can be released with the following command:

./ -t twist -n poprowexp1 -f twist_nuc_4_6.rspec -r

The command queries for the status of the testbed every 10 seconds, and reports when everything is up and running. For large testbeds, e.g., the whole TWIST, you might need to wait a lot because of the TP-Link devices. As an example, one attempt to reserve the whole testbed took roughly one hour.

Once the reservation process is completed, the script can be used to quickly check if the nodes specified in the .rspec file are reachable vai ssh. The syntax for using the script is the following:

./ <hosts_file> <ssh_config_file>

where hosts_file is the file listing the name of all the nodes that will be used in the experiments and ssh_config_file is the ssh configuration file for connecting to the testbeds (see Section "SSH Configuration files").

Automatic Nodes Setup

The repository includes some ansible playbooks that are used to automatically configure the nodes before starting any experiment.

Before running the scripts you need to modify the following files

  • hosts: this includes the list of nodes that will be used in the experiment, i.e., the nodes that you want ansible to work with. By default, the file includes all hosts from all testbeds. If you don't want to touch it, you can make a copy and then edit ansible.cfg and change the inventory field accordingly.
  • this file sets up environment variables that specifies parameters used by the run command and by the ansible playbooks. In particular it sets the master node (the node of the testbed that runs ansible playbooks) and the ssh configuration file to be used. By default it sets the node nuc0-43 as the master node for the wilab1 testbed and nuc4 for the twist testbed. If you want to use different master nodes you need to change this file. The ansible master node is specified by the variable MASTER_NODE and the ssh configuration file is specified by the CONFIG_FILE variable.
  • run: this works as a launcher for all ansible playbooks. Instead of typing ansible-playbook playbook.yaml you type ./run playbook.yaml. This copies the content of the whole folder on the master node and launches the ansible-playbook on the master node, to avoid being blocked by a firewall because of the many ssh connections.
  • etchosts: this file is copied to /etc/hosts for easy pings and for setting the IP address to a node depending on its hostname. Change this according to your needs.

Once these steps are done, you are ready to setup the nodes:

  • copy all the required support files on the ansible master node. In principle this command should be executed only once before any other test. The script accepts one parameter, which is the testbed. This is used to decide which master node to use. Accepted values are twist (the default if nothing is specified) or wilab.
  • run copy-files.yaml: copies the configuration scripts and other files to all nodes. By default the command runs ansible on the TWIST testbed. If you want to choose a different testbed (in your hosts file) use the testbed parameter, e.g., run copy-files.yaml "testbed=wilab1".
  • run setup-devices.yaml: installs required software (e.g., python, git, python packages, etc.) on all nodes. As for copy-files.yaml, you can choose a different testbed with the testbed parameter.
  • run setup-interfaces.yaml: configures the network interface according to the given parameters to enable networking between testbed nodes. This script accepts parameters to configure the wireless interfaces in different ways. In particular you can choose rate, channel, and transmission power using the following syntax: run setup-interfaces.yaml "rate=54 channel=1 power=2000" The example uses the default parameters used when these are not specified. For more information on the possible parameter values, see the next section. As for copy-files.yaml, you can choose a different testbed with the testbed parameter.

Ping Experiment

The purpose of the ping experiment is to compute the transmission success rate between every pair of nodes for a given channel, transmission rate and transmission power. The ping experiment is executed by editing the ping-experiments.csv configuration file and by running the script. The script accepts one parameter, which is the testbed name. Accepted values are twist (the default if nothing is specified) or wilab.

Each line of the ping-experiments.csv configuration file specifies an experiment configuration and has the following format:

<rate>,<channel>,<tx power>,<# of tx packet>,<interval between each transmission>

for example, the following line:


describe an experiment where every node will transmit 10 frames (one every 200ms) on channel 1 using 6Mb/s and a transmission power of 20 dBm.

the script will execute an experiment for each line of the ping-experiments.csv configuration file. For each experiment the following steps are executed:

  • The nodes Wi-Fi interfaces are configured in ad-hoc mode for using the channel, tx rate and tx power specified in the configuration file.

  • On all the nodes the receiver is executed in background and configured to log information about the received transmissions.

  • On each node in turn the transmitter is executed and configured for transmitting the number of packets separated by the time interval specified in the configuration file.

  • The receiver is stopped on all nodes.

  • The ansible master node collects all the logs of from all the nodes and saves them in the results directory.

  • The results directory is rsync-ed with the local node.

For example, given a configuration file with the following content:


the ping experiment can be executed on the TWIST testbed with the following command:

./ twist

OLSR/Prince Start/Stop

The repository provides a set of ansible playbooks that can be used for starting/stopping olsrd2 and Prince on the nodes specified in the hosts files (see Section "Automatic Nodes Setup"). All the following playbooks can be launched using the run command and they accept the testbed parameter (e.g. run stop-olsr.yaml "testbed=wilab"). The provided playbooks are the following:

  • start-olsr.yaml: starts the olsrd2 service;

  • stop-olsr.yaml: stops the olsrd2 service;

  • start-prince.yaml: start the prince process. This playbok accepts also the prince_conf parameter for specifying which prince configuration file pass as argument to the prince process. This repository provides two default configurations for prince: prince_conf_c.json and prince_conf_c_h.json. If the prince_conf parameter is not used the default configuration is prince_conf_c_h.json;

  • stop-prince.yaml: stops the prince process;

OLSR/Prince Experiment


The scripts used for executing this experiment do not currently support devices running OperWRT. There are a few thing (e.g., that are not implemented for OperWRT yet. Currently the scripts described in this section have been tested only within the w.iLab1 testbed running exclusively NUC devices.


From preliminary experiment results we observed that, when a high bitrate and a low transmission power are used to make the mesh network less dense, OLSR is not able to converge to a stable topology. This makes it impossible to extract meaningful results for comparing vanilla OLSR against OLSR+Prince. The idea for solving this problem is to execute experiments using the lowest bitrate and the highest transmission power possible in order to create an almost full-mesh topology and then deploy firewall rules on the nodes of the testbed for creating the topology we are interested in. At this moment this functionality is not implemented yet.


In order to make the experiment execution a little bit faster, be sure to increase the value of the forks parameter in the ansible.cgf file to a values at least as big as the number of nodes in the testbed.


This tutorial is still under development

The OLSR/Prince experiment can be executed from the local host thanks to the script. This script connects via SSH to the ansible master node and calls, in turn, This is a python program that, relying on various ansible playbooks, is responsible of controlling the whole experiment. The script must be called with the following syntax: <testbed> \
                                <channel> \
                                <legacy_rate> \
                                <txpower> \
                                <strategy_name> \
                                <graph_type> \
                                <expname> \
                                <resultsdir> \
                                <verbose (True|False)> \
                                <fetch_results (True|False)>"


  • testbed: is the identifier of the testbed where the experiment will be executed. Use twist for the TWIST testbed and wilab for w.iLab1;

  • channel: channel number used for creating the mesh network. Supported values goes from 1 to 11.

  • legacy_rate: fixed transmission rate used for transmissing frames. Supported values are: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 36, 48 and 54.

  • txpower: transmission power in in millibel-milliwatts (mBm) ( = 100 * ). Accepted values goes from 0 to 2000.

  • strategy_name: the name of the strategy used for stopping and restarting nodes. For details see the dedicated Section "Stretegies for stopping/starting nodes".

  • graph_type: the type of graph that will be created by deploying the proper firewall rules on the nodes of the testbed. Currently the only graph type supported is powerlaw.

  • expname: the name that identifies the experiment. This name is also used for creating the directories used for saving the results of the experiment. In particular, on each node involved in the experiment will be created the directory ${HOME}/expname. This directory, in turn, can potentailly contains multiple sub-directories based on what strategy_name has been used. At the end of the experiment, on the ansible master node, a directory called <resultsdir>/expname_results will be created. This directory will contain an archive of the experiment results for ech node involved in the experiment. The archives are named using the following format: node_name_expname.tar.gz. node_name_expname.tar.gz containing,

  • resultsdir: the full path base directory on the ansible master node where all the results will be collected at the end of the experiment. The user must select a directory mounted on a partition with enough space for storing the results of the esperiments (several GB). For example, on the w.ilab1 testbed there is a shared partition mounted in /proj/wall2-ilabt-iminds-be that can be used for this purpose.

  • verbose: when this parameter is set to True the experiment controller will produce a more verbose output.

  • fetch_results: when this parameter is set to True the directory <resultsdir>/expname_results created on the ansible master node will be transferred on the local host in the current directory. Note that, independently from the value of this parameter, the directory <resultsdir>/expname_results on the ansible master node is always created.

The experiment controller (, running on the ansible master node, performs the following steps (except for the first and last steps, all the others are performed in a loop until the list of strategies that define how to stop and restart nodes have been completed):

  • (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET): Preliminary set up of the network with the best channel conditions possible for understanding what is the most dense mesh network possible in the testbed. Based on the output of this task a set of firewall rules can be generated for creating the topology we are interested in. This step will be performed only once before starting the actual experiment.

  • Stop OLSR and Prince as a preliminary procedure (stop-olsr.yaml and stop-prince.yaml respectively).

  • Network setup using setup-interfaces.yaml.

  • Start OLSR using start-olsr.yaml.

  • If this is an odd iteration, the controller starts prince using start-olsr.yaml. For each strategy that defines how to stop/start the nodes two iteration of the loop are executed: one with a vanilla OLSR and the other with OLSR+Prince.

  • After a 10 seconds sleep, the controller starts waiting for the topology to become stable: the controller asks to olsrd2 the topology (netjsoninfo) every second and if the topology does not change for 10 seconds in a row then it is considered stable. Note that the controller wait for a maximum of 120 seconds for the topoloby to become stable. After 120 seconds it proceeds with the experiment anyway. However the last topology obtained before starting the experiment is saved by the controller in the results directory of the ansible master node as a .graphml file.

  • Once the topolgy is stable, or after 120 seconds, if this is the first iteration (or an even iteration) of the loop, the function specified by the strategy_name parameter is called. This function returns the lists of strategies that specify how and when the nodes must be stopped and restarted (see Section "Stretegies for stopping/starting nodes"). For each element of the strategy lists, two experiments are executed: one with a vanilla OLSR and the other with OLSR+Prince.

  • The experiment controller schedule the start/stop of the topology_dumper using start-topology-dumper.yaml. The topology_dumper will dump the olsrd2 topology every 100ms on every nodes and will save all the obtained topologies in the results directory of each node.

  • The experiment controller schedule the stop of the nodes using kill-my-wifi.yaml.

  • The experiment controller schedule the restart of the nodes using restart-my-wifi.yaml.

  • The experiment controller fetch the results of the experiment using collect-olsr-results.yaml: it archives the results on each node used in the experiment and transfers the archives on the ansible master node in the directory ${HOME}/expname_results.

Stretegies for stopping/starting nodes

The parameter strategy_name of the script defines which function (defined in will be used for building the list of strategies that define how and when the nodes must be stopped and restarted during the experiment. For each element of the list returned by the strategy_name function two experiments are performed: one using vanilla OLSR and one with OLSR+Prince. Currently only the following example strategies are implemented:

  • stop_one_random_node_1s: selects a random node of the mesh network and stops it after 1 seconds..

  • stop_one_random_node_1s_start_61s: selects a random node of the mesh network, stops it after 1 second and restarts it after 61 seconds.

  • one_node_stop_1s_start_61s_2mostcentral: computes the two most central (betweenness centrality) nodes of the mesh network and returns a list of two strategies. The first strategy stops the most central node after 1 second and restarts it after 61 seconds. The second strategy stops the second most central node after 1 seconds and restarts it after 61 seconds.

  • two_node_stop_1s_start_61s_2mostcentral: computes the two most central (betweenness centrality) nodes of the mesh network and returns a strategy where both the nodes are stopped after 1 second and restarted after 61 seconds.

The best way to learn how to implement new strategy functions is to look in the code of and see how the existing strategy functions have been implemented. In particular, a little bit of documentation is provided for the strategy function stop_one_random_node_1s. Once a new strategy function has been implemented, its name must be add to the global list strategy_functions.

In short, a strategy function must return two lists of strings with the same number of elements. Each element of the first list specify which nodes and when they must be stopped. The corresponding elements of the second list specify which nodes and when must be restarted. Note that both the lists can contain empty strings as elements. However, for each element of the first list, the corresponding element of the second list must contain only nodes that are present also in the first list (i.e., a node that is not stopped can not be restarted). Moreover, the time when a node must be restarted must come after the time when the same node is stopped. It is responsibility of the strategy function to comply with these constraints. The elements of the two list have the following format:

where the node#_id is the id of the node as specified in the graph that is passed as parameter to the strategy function (the experiment controller will take care of translating these ids into the corresponding hostnames of the nodes of the testbed). The seconds.milliseconds specifyies after how much time that node must be stopped or restarted (the time point of reference is when the topology_dumper starts).

Experiment Example

Let's consider the following command:

./ wilab \
                                11 \
                                6 \
                                2000 \
                                two_node_stop_1s_start_61s_2mostcentral \
                                powerlaw \
                                test_experiment \
                                /proj/wall2-ilabt-iminds-be/exp/olsrprince1/ \
                                True \

This will executed an experiment on the w.iLab1 testbed and will use a mesh network configured for operating on channel 11 where the nodes will transmit frames using a bitrate of 6Mbps and a transmission power of 20dBm. The experiment will be composed by two sub-experiments (vanilla OLSR and OLSR+Prince) where the stop/restart strategy defined by two_node_stop_1s_start_61s_2mostcentral will be used: the two most central nodes of the mesh network will be stopped after 1 second and restarted after 61 seconds. At the end of the experiment the directory /proj/wall2-ilabt-iminds-be/exp/olsrprince1//test_experiment_results containing all the results of all the nodes will be created on the ansible master nodes but will not be transferred on the local host. Finally, the experiment controller will produce a verbose output.

Wi-Fi Network Interface Configuration

The python script can be used for bringing up an 802.11 network interface in adhoc (ibss) mode. Before using this script it is necessary to install all the required dependencies by executing the script. The script also creates a monitor interface configured on the same channel as the adhoc interface that can be used for traffic monitoring. The script requires the following parameters (in the current implementation, with the exception of --bint, the are all mandatory).

  • --intcap: possible values are "HT" and "VHT". It is used to specify the capabilities that must be supported by the NIC that will be used for configuring the interface. Currently the TKN WIreless NetworkS Testbed (TWIST) supports only "HT".

  • --chan: specifies in which channel to configure the network interface. Accepted values for --chan are [1-13] (2.4 GHz) and [36, 40 and 44] (5 GHz).

  • --legacyrate: configures the 802.11g rate to use for frame transmissions. Accepted values are [6, 9, 12, 18, 24 36, 48, 54].

  • --txpower: configures the transmission power in millibel-milliwatts (mBm) ( = 100 * ). Accepted values goes from 0 to 3000 (the actual maximum power depends on selected channel and the actual power selection granularity depend on the PHY).

  • --inet: sets the interface IPv4 address. The accepted format is x.y.z.t/nm.

  • --ibssid: configures the BSSID of the adhoc network.

  • --ibssiname: configures the name of the local adhoc interface.

  • --moniname: configures the name of the local monitor interface (this interface shares the same PHY as the adhoc interface and can be used for traffic monitoring).

  • --bint: configure the beacon interval in TUs (default values 100TUs).


An adhoc network interface called poprow0 with the following characteristics:

  • the underlying PHY supports HT capabilities;
  • the adhoc network operates on channel 1 in the 2.4GHz band;
  • all the frame are transmitted using 6Mb/s;
  • the transmission power is fixed to 20dBm;
  • the IPv4 address is;
  • the BSSID is poprow;
  • the interface transmits a beacon every 200 TUs;
  • the monitor interface name is mon0.

can be configured by executing the following command (as root):

./ --intcap=HT --chan=1 --legacyrate=6 \
  --txpower=2000 --inet= --ibssid=poprow --ibssiname=poprow0 \
  --moniname=mon0 --bint=200


Tools for evaluating the performance and the robustness of a routing protocol






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