A multi-functional Discord Bot written with Node.js
Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your system. Here are the steps that you have to follow in order to be able to work on this project as a contributor :
Fork this repository to your own repository.
Run this command in your terminal to install all dependencies :
npm install
make a file and call it ".env" in your project directory. The ".env" file should contain this following lines :
Notice that you will need some API Keys in order to get the bot working properly. You can get the keys by asking the owner of this repository or register your own API Key. Here are the links to get all the API Keys needed :
- APEX_API_KEY = Click Me!
Fork this repository then push your changes to your fork and create a new pull request. Make sure to test the bot first in your local machine to ensure everything is working correctly. Your push request will be reviewed first by the owner of this repository.