Inspired by the deficiency in the split unix utility, which, possibly, splits a record across multiple files.
Written in C. Fork the repository and compile by typing make
on the command line in the root directory of the project.
/home/split_records$ make
./rsplit [-hqsv?V] [-b SIZE] [-i[HEADER]] [-p PREFIX] [--bytes=SIZE] [--header] [--include-header[=HEADER]] [--prefix=PREFIX] [--quiet] [--silent] [--verbose] [--abort] [--help] [--usage] [--version] pathname-to-input delimiter-in-quotes num-of-columns
- -b, --bytes=SIZE
- put SIZE bytes per output file. Suffix the number with k, m, or g for scaling. Without scales
default to megabytes. Default size if the option omitted is 20MB
- -c, --count
- Produce only the total number of records in a .cnt file.
- The input file is not split.
- If this is specified, it over-rules the split function and writes the number of records to file.
- The filename will be that specified by the -p option or the default 'x'; with a .cnt extension.
- -h, --header
Input file has a header on the first line. If specified and header
inclusion is not specified, the header is stripped off the output. If specified, the value read
overrides that passed as an argument to the option --include-header[=header_line]
Default is input file has no header.
- -i, --include-header[=HEADER]
- Include the header from the first line. Default is excluded. If this option is specified
- Without the optional header arg or --header included option, no header is written to the
- output files. The number of records excludes the header.
- -p, --prefix=PREFIX
- Prefix to be applied to Output FILE with suffixes to indicate order of records. The default is 'x'
- -q, -s, --quiet, --silent
- Don't produce any output
- -v, --verbose
- Produce verbose output
- --abort
- Abort before showing any output
- -?, --help
Give this help list
- --usage
Give a short usage message
- -V, --version
- Print program version
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