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Working locally

On Mac or Linux machine

  1. Install a conda based package manager. We recommend Miniforge3 if you are setting up for the first time.
  2. Install VS Code
  3. Install 'code' command in PATH

Clone this repo and navigate into the dir:

git clone
cd python-novice-dataframes

Set up a python environment with the packages we will be using:


Setup new micromamba environment.

# Create env and install packages from yml
micromamba env create --name pandas-workshop --file environment.yml

# Activate the environment
micromamba activate pandas-workshop

Or using Conda

# Create env and install packages from yml
conda env create --name pandas-workshop --file environment.yml

# Activate the environment
conda activate pandas-workshop

Or using pip

pip install matplotlib numpy pandas scipy seaborn jupyterlab

Now you can launch Jupyter Lab.

jupyter lab

Setup for Windows

  1. Install GitBash
  2. Install VS Code If you are using VS Code on a windows machine you will also need to set your default shell as "GitBash".
  3. Install miniforge3
  4. Open a GitBash shell and run this command to enable Conda: ~/miniforge3/Scripts/conda.exe init bash
  5. From a new GitBash shell use conda to install packages: conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab pandas numpy matplotlib seaborn scipy

Clone this repo and navigate into the dir:

git clone
cd python-novice-dataframes

Launch Jupyter Lab.

jupyter lab

Working in Gitpod

Click the Gitpod button at the top of this README to launch a gitpod workspace with all the required software pre-installed.

If you have a paid Gitpod account you can increase the timout limit on your workspace. Otherwise you will need to restart the workspace periodically.

# Increase gitpod timeout setting
gp timeout set 6h

Manually start Jupyter session

# Launch jupyter-lab
jupyter lab --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

Note: See other gitpod settings here.


Working with tabular data in Python







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