Simple C# graphing library for visualizing data
Clone the repository and build the project. Add a reference to the built Graphing.dll file in the project you want to use it in. Also, add a reference to System.Drawing if it doesn't already exist.
FYI the dataset used in this example is a simple tab-separated list of 10 values. It looks like this:
1 12.52
2 12.7
3 15.62
4 14.34
5 18
6 18.62
7 16.48
8 20.62
9 22.15
10 21.86
The result will be as follows (the background is transparent):
Add these three using directives
using System.Drawing;
using Point = Graphing.Point;
using System.Globalization;
Create a new Graph object
Graph graph = new Graph(400, 200, 0, 10, 0, 25);
This one will produce an 400x200 image. The smallest x-value that will be included is 0 and the largest is 10. The smallest y-value that will be included is 0 and the largest is 25. These min and max values are set based on the values in the data.
Create a new DataSet object:
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(Color.Blue) //the default color of the lines, points and fill will now be Color.Blue
LineThickness = 2,
PointSize = 5,
PointColor = Color.DarkBlue
Now fill the data set. This code might be different in different applications, this is just an example:
foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines("dataset.txt"))
string[] points = line.Split('\t');
double x = double.Parse(points[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
double y = double.Parse(points[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
dataSet.AddPoint(new Point(x, y));
Add the created data set to the graph:
That's it, the Bitmap-property of the graph will now contain an image of the graph. One way of saving and viewing it would be like this: