Java EE Is Too Fast For Stress Testing--Snail Helps You With That. Snail delays all responses with a dynamically configurable amount of time.
Java 8 / Java EE 7 with JAX-RS endpoints
## Configuration
1. Set property with: snail-slowdown-in-ms=[DELAY IN MS].
2. Override the system property with an equally-named header.
## Verification
Snail attaches the currently configured delay to each request.
## System Test
The system test for the snail filter (documentation purposes):
JAXRSClientProvider provider = JAXRSClientProvider.buildWithURI("http://localhost:8080/snail-sample/resources/snails");
public void snails() {
final String delay = "1000";
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Response response = provider.
header(DelayProvider.DELAY_HEADER_NAME, delay).
assertThat(response.getStatus(), is(200));
String delayValue = response.getHeaderString(DelayProvider.DELAY_HEADER_NAME);
long end = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
assertThat(delayValue, is(delay));
assertTrue(end > Long.valueOf(delayValue));