Algorithm description : Wikipedia
- Change the comments in the Makefile according to the compiler you want.
$ make
- Build the executable for testing.
$ make test
Three parameters, matrix dimension n , subspace m and starting
$ ./lanczos -n [...] -m [...] -b [...]
To run the tests, take care to set the value for n to less than 10.
$ ./test -n [...]
To run the benchmark add -B.
$ ./lanczos -n [...] -m [...] -b [...] -B [benchmark number]
- 1 : Parallel benchmark for fixed matrix size and fixed m with a number of threads ranging from 1 to 40.
- 2 : Sequential benchmark for a fixed matrix size and m ranges from 5 to 50
You can plot the results of multiple runs
- To obtain the graph of a sequential execution with m varying from 5 to 50.
$ cd result
$ python3 [file_1.txt] [file_2.txt] ...
- To obtain the graph of a parallel execution with a number of threads from 1 to 40
$ cd result
$ python3 [file_1.txt] [file_2.txt] ...