Cross-platform window-Watcher for Linux (X11), macOS, Windows.
To install the pre-built application, go to
To build your own packaged application, run make package
To install the latest git version directly from github without cloning, run
pip install git+
To install from a cloned version, cd into the directory and run
poetry install
to install inside an virtualenv. You can run the binary via aw-watcher-window
If you want to install it system-wide it can be installed with pip install .
, but that has the issue
that it might not get the exact version of the dependencies due to not reading the poetry.lock file.
In order for this watcher to be available in the UI, you'll need to have a Away From Computer (afk) watcher running alongside it.
To log current window title the terminal needs access to macOS accessibility API.
This can be enabled in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility
, then add the Terminal to this list. If this is not enabled the watcher can only log current application, and not window title.