This project (among others) has been submitted for my Jedha Data Fullstack program certification
Checkout the 10min project presentation video (in French) here:
Create recommendations of top places to visit and hotel accomodations in France by :
- Collecting weather forecast data via requests to the OpenWeatherMap API and processing it to create a ranking of destinations
- Collecting accomodation data via web scraping of website for a shortlist of top destinations
- Showing the destinations / hotels recommendations in interactive maps
Note : The destinations candidates are here taken from a list of '35 cities to visit in France' but can be changed by modifying 'cities' object in the 'Perimeter' section of the notebook "Weather_data_collector.ipynb".
Clone this repository to create your project folder :
git clone
Installations :
All the source code is written in Python3. The dependencies you need to run the code are listed in the 'requirements.txt' file, you can install them with pip by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
Get a free OpenWeatherMap API key by signing up at
Set your secrets variables by creating a '.env' file (don't share this file with anyone) in your project folder , and fill in your API key in it the file :
Optional - Only if you want to use your Amazon S3 account to run the last section of the notebook 'Hotels_info_collector.ipynb' :
Add your AWS access keys in your '.env' file (don't share it)
The pipeline of the project consists in these 3 consecutive steps :
- API requests (collect weather data)
- Web scraping (collect hotels informations)
- Data Vizualisation
You can run the full pipeline by executing the notebooks in that order :
- Weather_data_collector (Input: None -- Ouptut: 'weather_data.csv' file):
- collect weather and localization data for all destinations in the scope
- create a ranking of the destinations by computing a 'weather score' for each
- store the data into a file in project subfolder 'data' => 'weather_data.csv'
- Hotels_info_collector (Input: 'weather_data.csv' file -- Output: 'top_destinations.csv' file):
- Identify a short-list of top destinations (ranked by their weather score) for which we will collect hotels information
- collect information on the most recommended hotels for each destination of the short-list by web-scraping
- store the aggregated data (destinations localization and weather + hotels information) into a file in Amazon S3 => 'top_destinations.csv'
- Vizualisations_loader (Input: 'top_destinations.csv' file -- Ouptut: HTML figures):
- Show recommendations on a map with :
- Weather score for all destinations in the scope
- 20 Best recommended hotels for the top-5 destinations and their ratings
- Show recommendations on a map with :
If you don't want to run the whole pipeline, you can either :
- skip to step 2 (web scraping) by using the 'weather_data.csv' file stored in the 'data' folder of the project
- skip to step 3 (vizualisations) by using the 'top_destinations.csv' file stored in Amazon S3 (or the one stored in 'data' project subfolder)
No input dataset is used nor needed to run this project