link to data dictionary
Things To Look For:
- Some of the clinics own property -- how is that used? If the property was bought with non-profit funding, that's a large purchase that did not go towards providing health services (the non-profit's stated purpose)
- Look for high non-cash benefit line amount, compared to other spending.
- Look at board members
- Look at ten highest-paid employees, if present
- EIN - clinic website -- make the attachment -- companies that provide products might not like their products being used on those websites.
- Do they have board-licensed doctors?
- Identify state-funded orgs.
- Identify sonogram provision.
- Identify where state funded orgs provide more to advertising than to services (another type of large purchase that runs counter to stated purpose).
- Identify where entities operate without proper medical licensure.
- Identify where entities operate without proper 990 filing/nonprofit status.
- Groups that have not filed in a while, are no longer registered -- should not be accepting donations.
- Go to IRS website. there's a list of groups that have not filed in 3 years
- 14 states with public funding to CPCs: Georgia (under TANF), Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Scripts: * relies on data/incomplete_ein_list.csv -- bug wcrest for it