This repository for my study notes, exercises, quizzes during Udacity Bertelsmann Scholarship Challenge 2018.
Notes are sorted by lessons.
This challenge is the Phase I of Scholarship given by Bertelsmann via Udacity. In this phase, 15,000 participants worldwide were selected. The top 10% will be selected to learn further in one of fully-funded courses of Udacity's data related nanodegree, which are Data Foundation, Business Analytics, and Data Analytics.
It has two sections, which are the core concept and advance concept. The core concept is about Introduction to Descriptive Statistic. The advance concept has two topics, which are Basics Python and Basics SQL. This type of course has a lot of quizzes, to help us to have deeper understanding about the concept and practice by solving problems from different point of view.
In this module, I will learn about:
- Data Types: Integers, Floats, Booleans, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
- Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Membership, Identity
- Built-In Functions, Compound Data Structures, Type Conversion
- Whitespace and Style Guidelines
Control flow is the sequence in which the code is run. I will learn about several tools in Python that can affect the code's control flow, which are:
- Conditional Statements
- Boolean Expressions
- For and While Loops
- Break and Continue
- Zip and Enumerate
- List Comprehensions
I this lesson, I will learn the following topics and define my own functions and how to call it over in the script.
- Defining Functions
- Variable Scope
- Documentation
- Lambda Expressions
- Iterators and Generators
I will learn how to setup my own programming environment to write and run Python script locally. I will also learn good practice in scripting, how to interact with different inputs, and discover possible expections.
- Python Installation and Environment Setup
- Running and Editing Python Scripts
- Interacting with User Input
- Handling Exceptions
- Reading and Writing Files
- Importing Local, Standard, and Third-Party Modules
- Experimenting with an Interpreter
- Lessons 1-5 (Introduction to Research Methods)
- Lesson 6 (Visualizing Data)
- Lesson 13 (Variability)
- Lesson 24 (Python - Data Types and Operators)
- Lesson 25 (Python - Control Flow)
- Lesson 26 (Python - Functions)
- Lesson 27 (Python Scripting)
- Lesson 28 (SQL Basics)
- Lesson 29 (SQL Joins)
- Lesson 30 (SQL Aggregations)
- Lesson 31 (SQL Subqueries and Temporary Tables)
- Lesson 32 (SQL Data Cleaning)