This repository contains a collection of Quartus Prime projects implemented on the DE10-Nano development kit, which is based on the Cyclone V FPGA. The projects are written in Verilog and provide a starting point for developing FPGA-based applications using the DE10-Nano board.
The DE10-Nano development kit is a powerful platform for developing FPGA-based applications. This repository aims to provide a collection of Quartus Prime projects on the DE10-Nano board. Each project is implemented in Verilog, a hardware description language widely used in FPGA implementation.
Before you can use the projects in this repository, you need to have the following software and hardware components:
Quartus Prime: Make sure you have Quartus Prime installed on your development machine. You can download the latest version of Quartus Prime from the Intel website.
DE10-Nano Development Kit: You need to have the DE10-Nano development kit, which is based on the Cyclone V FPGA. Pin assignment for the projects is based on schematics of DE10-Nano. If you're using any other FPGA, make sure to change the pin assignment by taking schematics as reference.
To get started, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
Open the Quartus Prime software and select the desired project from the repository.
Follow the project-specific instructions provided in the project's README file to build, program, and test the project on the DE10-Nano development kit.
Each project in this repository comes with its own set of instructions and documentation. To use a specific project, navigate to the project's directory and follow the steps outlined in the project's README file. Make sure you have Quartus Prime installed and the DE10-Nano development kit connected to your machine.