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Innocent Bystander edited this page Aug 10, 2015 · 10 revisions

Available Functionality

messaging arbitrary conversation

yield from bot.coro_send_message( "<conv id>"|Conversation, 
                                  image_id=None )
  • drop-in replacement for bot.send_message_parsed('<conversation id>', '<string>', context=None) and bot.send_html_to_conversation('<conversation id>', '<string>', context=None)
  • parameters:
  • does not obey /bot optout if the target conversation is a 1-to-1 that has /bot optout active

messaging user via 1-to-1

yield from bot.coro_send_to_user('<user id>', '<string>', context=None)
  • replaces bot.send_html_to_user('<user id>', '<string>', context=None)
  • if config["autocreate-1to1"]: true, will attempt to create the 1-to-1
  • obeys user /bot optout and will output to log if message sending blocked
  • sends <string> to specified <user id> as long as the user already has a one-on-one conversation with the bot
  • <string> can contain simple html formatting and basic markdown
  • the bot must have at least "seen" the user once in another conversation, otherwise this function will emit a WARNING that the user is "not a valid user"
  • for info on context, see the next section

send private message to user and (optional) public message simultaneously

yield from bot.coro_send_to_user_and_conversation(
  "<chat id>", 
  "<conv id>", 
  "<private html>", 
  • utility function to simultaneously send a private message (pm) to a user's one-to-one, and a public message to another conversation (usually the group where the user initiated the request)
    • will inform the user publicly if no one-to-one is found or user has /bot optout
    • example behaviour can be seen in /bot help command - help output can be very long, the actual help text is sent privately, with a short teaser sent publicly if command is used in a group
  • will automatically handle cases where no one-to-one exists or user is /bot optout of alerts - an appropriate localised message will be displayed publicly
  • public_html parameter can be:
    • string containing the public "teaser" message if the function is successful in sending the pm
    • False to disable the public "teaser" message - error messages caused by user opt-out or no one-to-ones will still be relayed publicly unless explicitly disabled with a dict or list-based parameter
    • dict or list containing the public message strings
    public_html = {
      "standard": "I sent you a message privately!",
      "optout": "You are opted-out and I can't send you anything!",
      "no1to1": "I don't have a 1-to-1 with you. Please message me!"
    1. setting any key to False will disable that message response
    2. a list can also be supplied in the same sequence as the above dict 
       example - supplying less list items than the keys will result in 
       default messages being used
  • for info on context, see the next section

The context Parameter

Most messaging functionality accepts an optional named parameter context, which (if set) is a dict.

The context variable is used by some plugins for advanced pre-processing and/or post-processing of messages. This section outlines useful context keys that can be used by plugin devs.

force Off-The-Record (OTR) flag

context["history"] = True # force history ON for current message
context["history"] = False # force history OFF for current message

This only works for the single message being sent - it does not change the global OTR flag for a chat.


Functions listed in this section are no longer supported and should not be used in new plugins and extension.

bot.send_html_to_user('<user id>', '<string>', context=None)
  • sends <string> to specified <user id> as long as the user already has a one-on-one conversation with the bot
  • <string> can contain simple html formatting and basic markdown
bot.external_send_message(conversation_id, text)
bot.external_send_message_parsed(conversation_id, html)
  • legacy functionality to send messages to a conversation
  • used by some sinks/hooks

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