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Customising Access Control

Innocent Bystander edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 6 revisions

This page deals with methods to customise Access Control with Tags

It consist of reference documentation on related config.json keys, as well as a guide to rolling your own access control sytem from scratch - this is considered an advanced topic and some advanced planning and thought is most definitely required.

Table of Contents

Configuration Keys

This section list all config.json keys that are related to Access Control with Tags


Makes listed commands admin-only, ignoring plugin settings

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting

In the following example, ping and echo are originally user-level commands which have been made admin-only, and whereami remains unchanged as an admin-level command:

"commands_admin": ["ping", "echo", "whereami"]

Setting this key to "commands_admin": true makes ALL loaded commands admin-only


Add additional custom tags to commands. This key is not set by default.

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting

General format is a {dictionary} with command names as keys and tag list as corresponding values:

"commands_tagged": {
  "whereami" : [

# matches ANY tag: "group-a", "group-b" OR "xyz"

Also supports matching ALL tags:

"commands_tagged": {
  "version" : [
    [ "group-a", "group-b" ],

# must match BOTH "group-a" AND "group-b", OR "xyz"

If is activated, preset tags will be combined with any other tags specified in this key.

Note: Tags registered via this key will show up in /bot tagscommand <command name> but not in /bot plugininfo


Makes listed commands available to users and all other unlisted commands admin-only, ignoring plugins settings

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting

In the following example, only help, whoami, whereami and optout will be commands available to users:

"commands_user": ["help", "whoami", "whereami", "optout"]

Setting this key to "commands_user": true makes ALL loaded commands available to ALL users - except if "commands_admin": true - the latter has higher priority


Modifies the prefix used for denying access to a tagged command

Default (when not set) is !


Changes the behaviour of how the bot handles tagged commands. Default (when not set) is boolean false, which maintains the original access level of the tagged command. Therefore, a user-level command will remain generally available to all users regardless of whether its been tagged or not.

Setting this key to "commands.tags.escalate": true will make the bot raise (i.e. "escalate") the access level of any tagged command to admin-level. Thus, any user-level command that is tagged will automatically becomes available only to admins and users with the appropriate tags.

Automatically registers preset tags for all loaded commands. The default value for this setting when not set is boolean true, which will auto-tag all loaded commands with the following preset tag patterns:

  • {plugin}-{command}
  • {plugin}-{type}
Thus, user commands such as ping will be auto-tagged basic-ping and basic-user; whereas admin commands such as leave will be auto-tagged default-leave and default-admin

The tag patterns can be overridden by specifying a list of tag patterns for

"": [ 

In the above example ping would receive 3 preset tags: execute-basic-user-ping, all-user and everything

Supported named presets are as follow:

  • {plugin} - the current plugin being loaded
  • {command} - the actual command name
  • {type} - the command type (user or admin)

Setting "": false will prevent auto-registration of any presets.

CAUTION: The default setting with "commands.tags.escalate": true will make all commands accessible only to admins and users with the appropriate tags.

Rolling your own Access Control

Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Determine your base access-levels with either commands_admin or commands_users (note: treat these keys as mutually exclusive):
    • "commands_admin": true makes all commands admin-only (very restrictive)
    • "commands_user": true makes all commands available to all users (very permissive)
    • "commands_user": [ <commands list> ] makes listed commands available to all users (whitelist)
    • "commands_admin": [ <commands list> ] makes listed commands admin-only (blacklist)
    • leaving both unset will use plugin-determined access levels for commands (default)
  2. With, determine whether you want to use system presets, or roll your own access control from a blank slate:
    • Leaving as the default (unset) or "": true will automatically register a unique tag for every command - these tags will be combined with any tags that you set in commands_tagged (with preset tags)
    • "": false will require you to define own tags in commands_tagged (custom tags)
  3. Use commands.tags.escalate to determine how the bot will treat tagged commands:
    • "commands.tags.escalate": true will make tagged user commands available only to admins and users with the correct set of matching tags (conservative tagging) - setting is suitable for maintaining restrictive control over tagged commands (since any tagged command is automatically promoted to admin-level access)
      CAUTION: Using this together with unset or "": true will cause every command to be promoted to admin-level, thus barring untagged users from accessing any command whatsoever unless explicitly granted access.
    • "commands.tags.escalate": false or unset will leave user commands still available to untagged users (flexible tagging) - this setting is suitable if you prefer users having closer to default access for most user-level commands and intend to only selectively block/ban a small portion of users from using some commands with "deny tags"
  4. Use commands_tagged to assign specific tags to desired commands:
    • "commands_tagged": [ <command list> ] allows you to assign tags to user and admin commands
      Reminder: Assigning tags for a user command when "commands.tags.escalate": true will automatically convert the user command into an admin command

Example Recipes

Available as a discussion page

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