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Innocent Bystander edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 16 revisions

Requires plugin: mentions

Users: Quickstart

  1. You need to open a 1-on-1 conversation with the bot first and say "hello" (or anything!)
  2. Then give yourself a @mention in another HO where the bot is participating as a group member

This procedure is necessary to let the bot know you're alive ;P No seriously, the above steps are required to authorise two-way communication between the bot and your own account.

Usage of @mentions

Some general rules:

  • If mentionquidproquo is ON, only users who have already said something to the bot in private will be able to @mention others.
  • If a @mention matches multiple users, the bot will privately warn the user that too many users were selected. A list of all matching users will be provided as a guide to the user.
  • A @mention must be at least 3 characters or longer (not counting the @)

A @mention matches the following:

  • A part of the combined first name and last name of the user e.g. @abc matches AB Chin (bot sees abchin)
  • A part of the combined first name and last name with spaces replaced by the underscore e.g. @ab_c matches AB Chin (bot sees AB_Chin)
  • An exact match with a user nickname, if the user has previously has previously /bot set nickname abc e.g. @abc matches nickname abc but NOT nicknames abcd or zabc

User: Commands

All of these commands must be prefixed with /bot e.g. /bot <command>

pushbulletapi <apikey|false|0|-1>

  • Sets/unsets the pushbullet api key for current user.
  • When user is @mentioned, bot will alert user through PushBullet.
  • If the push fails, bot will revert to normal hangouts-based alert.
  • false, 0 or -1 Disables pushbullet integration for current user.

setnickname <nickname>

  • Bot sets the nickname for the current user
  • /whoami will return the current nickname
  • Call it again to re-set the <nickname> as preferred

mention <name fragment> [test]

  • Alias for @.
  • Triggers the same mechanism for @mentions.
  • <name fragment> cannot contain spaces.
  • Adding optional second parameter test will show additional log information inside the current conversation when attempting to alert users. This can be used to check for any @mention errors with specific users.


  • Toggles the "be more specific" guide message if the user inadvertently matches multiple users with their mentions.
  • Default is always ON.
  • No visible indication will be provided to the user if a mentions fails due to multiple users if this is toggled OFF.
  • The state of this toggle can be temporarily overridden with /bot mention <name fragment> test

Admins: Configuration



  • default: true
  • only users who have already initiated a 1-on-1 dialog with the bot will be able to use @mentions and alert other users


  • default: true
  • outputs any problems with a @mention to the current conversation
  • verbose output and should only be used for debugging
  • alternative is to use /bot mention <name-fragment> test


  • default: true
  • enables/disables @all for mentions
  • when set to false, admins and chat ids listed in mentionallwhitelist can still use @all
  • users who are blocked from using @mentions (mentionall == false; not an admin; not whitelisted) will be notified privately if the bot already has a 1-on-1 with them


  • default: []
  • allow listed chat_ids to use @all in mentions regardless of global/per-conversation mentionall setting


  • default : unset (2 chars)
  • sets the minimum length to trigger a mention

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