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Innocent Bystander edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 30 revisions

This page lists everything you can add to your config.json. To find the location of your config.json, please see the section on Additional Configuration.

Do not edit the config.json file that is supplied with the repo, as this is the reference copy that the bot uses to create your own personalised config.json elsewhere on your system.

Table of Contents


This is the default configuration that is installed with every new bot. It also reflects the minimum configuration required to get the bot working.


 "admins": []
 # no admins are configured when bot is first run

This key defines bot administrators and is an empty list for new bots. During Initial Configuration, the starter plugin will add the first administrator "chat id" to this list automatically.

It can also be configured manually, by editing the file and adding chat ids to the list. A bot can have unlimited administrators. Example:

"admins": [
Note: Chat ids are always numerical, and identify the Hangouts user
After the initial configuration is completed, it is also possible for admins to modify this key using the /bot config command in the default plugin

autoreplies_enabled, autoreplies

"autoreplies_enabled": true,
"autoreplies": [
      "hi bot",
      "hello bot"
    "Hello world!"
Note: Auto-replies enabled when bot is first run
The default configuration for the autoreply plugin allows the bot to reply any message with containing the phrase "hi bot" and "hello bot" with "Hello world!"

These keys are supported as per-conversation settings


"commands_enabled": true
Note: User commands are enabled on bot first run
This key determines whether the bot will respond to user commands when it is started. When set to false, the bot will ignore all commands except those originating from users configured as admins.

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting


"conversations": {
  "CONV_ID": {
    "autoreplies_enabled": false,
    "commands_enabled": false
Note: Default configuration does nothing as CONV_ID won't match any conversation
The conversations key is a special key that can hold per-conversation settings. These settings only apply to a specific conversation ID (CONV_ID) and always override the global setting if it is set in both places.

Per-conversation settings are generally used to enable/disable features, and to supply custom configuration directives, for specific conversations.

To get the conversation ID of a conversation, use the command: /bot whereami


"plugins": null
Note: All available plugins loaded when bot is first run
This key defines which plugins to load at bot startup as well as the order of plugin loading. Leaving this unset or null will load all available plugins (and sub-plugins) with arbitrary startup order (based on filesystem).

Developer Note: Plugin names always correspond to their actual file (or folder names) on the filesystem. Therefore, example_plugin will load plugins/ or plugins/example_plugins/

plugins in sub-folders

Some complex plugins may be stored inside a sub-folder inside the plugins directory. The base plugin usually can be loaded by specifying the folder name in the plugins key:

"plugins": ["example"] 
Note: Loads base plugin inside plugins/example/
Occasionally, a plugin may contain additional related sub-plugins inside the sub-folder and the file system structure may resemble the following:
+ plugins
  + example
Note: Sub-plugins are always prefixed with the folder/plugin name
To activate the main plugin and its corresponding sub-plugins manually, use the following configuration:
"plugins": [
Recommendation: Load the main plugin before the sub-plugins
In the above configuration, the sub-folder name is both part of the sub-plugin package path (before the .) and the prefix of the sub-plugin filename itself (e.g. example_subplugin1).

An alternate form that does not require the parent module/folder name is also available. Please note that using this format is NOT RECOMMENDED and is only intended for backward-compatibility with older versions of config.json. Additionally, sub-plugins with ambiguous names will not load and will raise a warning during bot initialisation.

"plugins": [
Recommendation: Don't use this, instead use the newer format above
Note: The bot will automatically load all available plugins and sub-plugins if the plugins key is unset or null.


"watch_new_adds": false
Note: Monitor Adds plugin will not monitor user adds/joins
Determines the state of user add monitoring by the Monitor Adds plugin

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting


All other keys that can be added to the bot configuration and that are not set by default.


Sets the path for [Chatlogger-Plugin|chatlogger] to store conversation logs


[ver<2.7] Make listed commands admin-only

[ver>=2.7] Access Control with Tags - Configure listed commands as admin-only


[ver>=2.7] Access Control with Tags - Configures extra tags to add to commands

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting


[ver<2.7] Whitelist listed commands as available to users, other unlisted commands become admin-only

[ver>=2.7] [Access]( - [Configure](

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting


[ver>=2.7] [Access]( - [Configures](


Optional key to set the language of the bot.

When not set, the default language is English (untranslated).

Depending on the status of the translation project, you can set this key to match any of the available language codes such as de for German, sv for Swedish, etc.

Note: This setting takes precedence over the environment variable HANGOUTSBOT_LOCALE


When set, overrides the default number of backup files (default: 3) that will be created and maintained by the bot on every memory.json write

To disable backups entirely, use string "0" e.g. "memory-failsafe_backups": "0"


When set, overrides the default save delay of memory.json of 1 second

To disable the delay entirely, use string "0" e.g. "memory-save_delay": "0"


Contains a list of user ids designated as moderators, used by the Monitor Adds plugin

This key is supported as a per-conversation setting

Note: Use of the mod key is not recommended, we recommend tagging users as mods instead.

[ver>=2.7] Access Control with Tags - Configures tag auto-registration settings

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