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Configuration File
The configuration file makes use of the Java properties format. If the configuration file does not exist during game start-up, a blank file with a comment will be created.
The configuration file defines overrides for the available options, and as such, a blank file is perfectly normal! It simply means that you'd like to use all the default values.
Each category below includes a list of options which can be changed by the user. Due to the nature of the mod, configuration options require a game restart to take effect.
Before editing the configuration file, take a backup of your minecraft worlds! All configuration options are simple key-value pairs. In other words, you first specify the option's name, followed by the desired value, like so:
(default: true
Mob AI optimizations
(default: false
Event-based system for tracking nearby entities.
(default: true
A number of AI goals which query for nearby entities in the world every tick will use the event-based
system for tracking nearby entities. In other words, instead of entities constantly polling to see if
other entities are nearby, they will instead be notified only occasionally when such an entity enters
their range.
(default: true
A faster code path is used for determining what kind of path-finding node type is associated with a
given block. Additionally, a faster chunk cache will be used for accessing blocks while evaluating
(default: true
Implements a faster POI search
(default: true
Portal search uses the faster POI search and optimized loaded state caching
(default: true
Mob Tasks which search for POIs use the optimized POI search
(default: true
Avoids unnecessary raid bar updates and optimizes expensive leader banner operations
(default: true
Avoid unnecessary secondary POI searches of non-farmer villagers
(default: true
Various AI task optimizations
(default: true
Keep track of running and runnable tasks to speed up task launching checks
(default: true
Keep track of AI memory changes to skip checking AI task memory prerequisites
(default: true
Replace Stream code of AI tasks with more traditional iteration.
(default: true
Patches that reduce memory allocations
(default: true
Improve the BlockState withTable lookup by using a custom table implementation.
(default: true
Random block ticking uses fewer block position allocations, thereby reducing the object allocation rate.
(default: true
Reuse large chunk lists
(default: true
Composters will reuse the available slot arrays that are requested by hoppers
(default: true
Reduce stream code usage when getting the passengers of an entity
(default: true
Entity trackers use a fastutil set for storing players instead of an IdentityHashSet
(default: true
Avoid Enum#values()
array copy in frequently called code
(default: true
Avoid Enum#values()
array copy in frequently called code
(default: true
Avoid Enum#values()
array copy in frequently called code
(default: true
Avoid Enum#values()
array copy in frequently called code
(default: true
Avoid Enum#values()
array copy in frequently called code
(default: true
Remove lambda allocation in frequently called block blast resistance calculation in explosion code
(default: true
NBT tags use a fastutil hashmap instead of a standard HashMap
(default: true
Optimizations related to blocks
(default: true
FluidStates store directly whether they are empty
(default: false
Reduces hopper lag using caching, notification systems and BlockEntity sleeping
(default: false
Send updates to hoppers when adding inventory block entities to chunks when world edit is loaded. Fixes the issue of hoppers not noticing when inventories are placed using worldedit without any block updates.
(default: true
Moving blocks and retracting pistons avoid calculating their VoxelShapes by reusing previously created VoxelShapes.
(default: true
Redstone wire power calculations avoid duplicate block accesses
(default: true
BlockNeighborGroups used in fluid code cache their hashcode
(default: true
Various world chunk optimizations
(default: true
Allow grouping entity classes for faster entity access, e.g. boats and shulkers
(default: true
Remove debug checks in block access code
(default: true
Skip bounds validation when accessing blocks
(default: true
Replaces the vanilla hash palette with an optimized variant
(default: true
Optimizes chunk palette compaction when serializing chunks
(default: true
Replaces streams with imperative approach.
(default: true
Replaces streams with imperative approach, separated to fix incompatibility between Canary and ServerCore.
(default: true
Various collection optimizations
(default: true
Uses fastutil hashmaps for entity attributes
(default: true
Uses fastutil hashmaps for BlockEntity tickers
(default: true
Uses fastutil hashmaps for AI memories and sensors
(default: true
Uses fastutil hashmaps for type specific entity lists
(default: true
The expensive check to see if a TypeFilterableList can be filtered by a specific class is only made when a new list for that type needs to be created
(default: true
Copy entity hashmap instead of duplicating the list using iteration
(default: true
Use ReferenceArraySet instead of HashSet to store the fluids the entity is currently submerged in.
(default: true
Uses fastutil hashmaps for gamerules
(default: true
Uses fastutil hashsets for goals in the AI goal selector
(default: true
Uses custom hashset/list combination for faster mob spawn checks
(default: true
Various entity optimizations
(default: true
Various entity collision optimizations
(default: true
Skips being pushed by fluids when the nearby chunk sections do not contain this fluid
(default: true
Uses faster block access for block collisions and delayed entity access with grouped boat/shulker for entity collisions when available
(default: true
Entity movement uses optimized block access and optimized and delayed entity access
(default: true
In chunks with many mobs in ladders a separate list of pushable entities for cramming tests is used
(default: true
Various entity data tracker optimizations
(default: true
Remove unnecessary locking when accessing the data tracker
(default: true
Data trackers use a custom optimized entry map
(default: true
Skip repeatedly writing to the data tracker that an entity is not flying
(default: true
Skip hand swinging speed and animation calculations when the hand of an entity is not swinging
(default: true
Skip checking whether an entity is inside powder snow for movement speed slowdown when it is not freezing
(default: true
Access entities faster when accessing a relatively small number of entity sections
(default: true
Hopper minecarts search for item entities faster by combining multiple item entity searches. Also eliminates duplicated item entity pickup attempts
(default: true
Block updates skip notifying mobs that won't react to the block update anyways
(default: true
Accesses entities of the correct type directly instead of accessing all nearby entities and filtering them afterwards
(default: true
Skips repeated checks whether the equipment of an entity changed. Instead equipment updates are detected
(default: false
Various experimental optimizations
(default: true
Only check positions with expiring tickets during ticket expiration. Can cause reordering of chunk unloading when unloading more than approximately two billion chunks at once.
(default: true
Experimental entity optimizations
(default: true
Use block listening system to allow skipping stuff in entity code
(default: true
Use the block listening system to skip supporting block search (used for honey block pushing, velocity modifiers like soulsand, etc)
(default: true
Use the block listening system to skip block touching (like cactus touching).
(default: true
Skip searching for fire or lava in the burn time countdown logic when they are not on fire and the result does not make a difference. Also use the block listening system to cache whether the entity is touching fire or lava.
(default: true
Use the block listening system to cache entity fluid interaction when not touching fluid currents.
(default: true
Use the block listening system to cache the entity suffocation check.
(default: true
Optimize item entity merging by categorizing item entities by item type and only attempting to merge with the same type. Categorizing by stack size allows skipping merge attempts of full item entities or two more than half full item entities.
(default: true
Experimental optimizations to spawning conditions. Reorders the iteration over entities to match the chunks and chunk sections, reducing the number of cache misses.
(default: true
Allow retrieving item entities grouped by item type and count from the world.
(default: true
Various world generation optimizations
(default: false
World generator settings cache the sea level. Disabled by default due to startup crash.
(default: true
An optimized chunk cache is used for world population features which avoids array indirection and complex logic
(default: true
Various math optimizations
(default: true
Avoids indirection and inlines several functions
(default: true
Avoid indirection and inline several functions in Direction, Axis and Box code
(default: true
Reduces the sine table size to reduce memory usage and increase access speed
(default: true
Avoid indirection when accessing the profiler
(default: true
Various VoxelShape optimizations
(default: true
Use a faster collection for the full cube test cache
(default: true
VoxelShape collisions use a faster intersection test for cuboid shapes
(default: true
VoxelShapes store position arrays for their shape instead of recalculating the positions
(default: true
Merging and intersecting VoxelShapes is optimized using faster position list merging
(default: true
Specialized VoxelShape implementations are used for cuboid and empty shapes. Collisions with those shapes are optimized using a cuboid specific implementation
(default: true
Various utilities for other mixins
(default: true
Allow accessing certain fields and functions that are normally inaccessible
(default: true
Allows access to existing BlockEntities without creating new ones
(default: true
Chunk sections count certain blocks inside them and provide a method to quickly check whether a chunk contains any of these blocks
(default: true
Chunk sections can notify registered listeners about certain blocks being placed or broken
(default: true
Access chunks of worlds, chunk caches and chunk regions directly.
(default: true
System to notify subscribers of certain entity sections about position changes of certain entity types.
(default: true
Entity sections store their position
(default: true
Certain BlockEntity Inventories emit updates to their listeners when their stack list is changed or the inventory becomes invalid
(default: true
BlockEntity Inventories update their listeners when a comparator is placed near them
(default: true
ItemStacks notify subscribers about changes to their count.
(default: true
World border changes are sent to listeners such as BlockEntities
(default: true
Various world related optimizations
(default: true
Various BlockEntity ticking optimizations
(default: true
Allows BlockEntities to sleep, meaning they are no longer ticked until woken up, e.g. by updates to their inventory or block state
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for inactive brewing stands
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for inactive campfires
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for inactive lit campfires
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for inactive unlit campfires
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for inactive furnaces
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for locked hoppers
(default: true
BlockEntity sleeping for closed shulker boxes
(default: false
BlockEntity ticking caches whether the BlockEntity can exist in the BlockState at the same location
(default: true
Avoids repeatedly testing whether the BlockEntity is inside the world border by caching the test result and listening for world border changes
(default: true
Several changes to the chunk manager to speed up chunk access
(default: true
Improves the chunk ticket sets by speeding up the removal of chunk tickets
(default: true
Various optimizations to chunk ticking
(default: true
Access FluidState through already known BlockState instead of accessing the world again.
(default: true
The four vanilla heightmaps are updated using a combined block search instead of searching blocks separately.
(default: true
Various improvements to explosions, e.g. not accessing blocks along an explosion ray multiple times
(default: true
Faster block and fluid access due to inlining and reduced method size
(default: true
Reduces indirection by inlining world height access methods
(default: true
Removes the 1024 entry biome temperature cache hash map because the cache seems to be slow and rarely hit.
(default: true
Use faster tick collections and pack scheduled ticks into integers for easier tick comparisons