This Drupal 7 distribution is built on top of Panopoly ( and is maintained by the University Techonology Office at Arizona State University (
- Fork this Git repo (
- Make sure you have checked out the master branch locally and that its latest commit matches the latest commit at so the codebases match.
- Create a new local branch called 7.x-ext-patches. (If this branch already exists locally, make sure it also matches the latest commit of
- When your patch/fix/code is completed and ready to submit for consideration, commit your changes to your local repo on that same 7.x-ext-patches.
- Push your latest commit up to your Github fork and submit a pull request to the repo. When doing this, be sure to select the correct source (/7.x-ext-patches) and destination ASU/7.x-ext-patches branches.
This process will let us know that you have submitted a fix for us to review.
- Please do not make any pull requests to the following branches because they will be rejected outright without
- master
- 7.x-rc
- 7.x-dev
- Use Drupal's coding standards when writing any code (see Any submitted pull requests not using those standards will be returned to the submitter without correction. (We recommend using an IDE or text editor that automatically formats the code.)
- All pull requests should ideally be flattened down to one (1) Git commit. (Use git rebase or git reset --mixed && git add && git commit to accomplish this.) Failure to do this will delay consideration of the pull request.
- Any included Git commit messages written by submitters will be public and permanent, so please make them useful, concise, and clean. Pull requests with commit messages like, "more updates", "Webspark fixes", "#&%#!&%* fixes", etc. will be rejected.
If you have any further questions about this process, please email webconsulting(--AT--)asu(--DOT--)edu.